The playlist file is stored in the Music folder on your hard-drive. It is created/modified anytime you add/delete music to i, and tunes. The actual music files are held in another folder inside Music folder.
If you want to find out playlist location in itunes, the trick is: Copy folder of i. Tunes from the backup folder in the original location, to ‘spoil’ the library., and itl file. When you do it that time you will lose few album covers but no need to worry about it. You can regain it from: File > Library > Get Album Artwork .
Why is my playlist file not showing up on iTunes?
It is created/modified anytime you add/delete music to i, and tunes. The actual music files are held in another folder inside Music folder. Your playlist file may not be able to find your music files since you moved them.
Where itunes playlists stored?
Playlists are stored, along with the locations of all media in the library, ratings, links to artwork downloaded from the Store, etc. in the i. Tunes database – the i, and tunes library. Itl file that is, by default, stored in C:\Users\username\Music\i, and tunes.
Where are iTunes playlists stored on Windows 7?
I am running Windows 7 on my home PC where I am trying to find the Playlist files. Playlists are stored, along with the locations of all media in the library, ratings, links to artwork downloaded from the Store, etc. in the i. Tunes database – the i, and tunes library. Itl file that is, by default, stored in C:\Users\username\Music\i, and tunes.
Well,, the i Tunes library will, however, contain related information about the playlists. For example, when you export i. Tunes library and import later, the playlists will be imported too.
Where are my iTunes library files stored?
By default, the music, TV shows, movies, podcasts, and other files that appear in your i. Tunes library are stored within your user folder in a subfolder: Music\i, tunes\i Tunes Media Locate your i, and tunes files.
If you are using a PC, you can find your media files in the i. Tunes library folder. The media files contain imported songs, downloaded stuff and purchased items from i, and tunes. You can also find individual folders containing songs and movies etc. Here is the complete address of i. Tunes library on windows: C: Usersusername, my musici, and tunes.
Where is the iTunes library folder?
Yes, the standard location for i. Tunes library folder is C:\Users\