During backup, i. Tunes will store your photos in a backup folder that is not viewable, meant for security reasons. The pics do not get regularly synced or saved to your computer device. Instead, you have to import them on the computer and include them in the computer’s backup.
Download and install the latest i, and tunes. Connect your i. Phone to PC and run the program. Find the i. Phone icon on the menu and click Photos tab under settings on the left. Check the box to Sync Photos from and browse to the wanted folder and select the picture you’d like to download. Click Apply to download pictures from i, and phone.
Another common query is “Does iTunes back up photos?”.
However, if you are new to apple, you might probably wonder as to whether i. Tunes backs up your photos. To your relief, it does., i Tunes backs up all photos and media files including videos. However, one thing to be noted is that i. Tunes does not back up photos that are not stored in your camera roll.
You should be asking “Does iTunes backup photos downloaded from PC?”
We discovered, • i Tunes does not back up photos of the i. Phone if downloaded from either the system PC or another source. • Users primarily noted that i. Tunes does not back up those photos which are already synced by your end to another source, like i, and cloud.
, i Tunes does not automatically import all your photos when you sync your phone on a Windows machine. Camera roll pics are backed up with the normal backup that i. Tunes makes when syncing. These pics are not able to be viewed and are not meant to be.
How to sync photos from iPhone to iTunes?
Click your device icon on i. Tunes top bar. Look to the left side of the i. Tunes windows and click Photos. Tick the box next to ” Sync Photos “, and choose the folder or app where to sync from.
Connect your i. Phone to PC and run the program. Find the i. Phone icon on the menu and click Photos tab under settings on the left. Check the box to Sync Photos from and browse to the wanted folder and select the picture you’d like to download. Click Apply to download pictures from i, and phone.
Why can’t I import photos from my iPhone or iPad?
Learn what to do if you can’t import photos from your i, phone, i Pad, or i. Pod touch to your computer. You can import photos to your PC by connecting your device to your computer and using the Windows Photos app: Make sure that you have the latest version of i. Tunes on your PC.
Find out what to do if you can’t import photos from your i, phone, i Pad or i. Pod touch to your computer. You can import photos to your PC by connecting your device to your computer and using the Windows Photos app : Make sure you have the latest version of i. Tunes on your PC. Importing photos to your PC requires i. Tunes 12.5.1 or later.
This is what I discovered. these pics are not viewable and are not meant to be. They are a data backup for iphone . The pics are not saved/synced to your computer. You should be importing them regularly as you would from any digital camera:.
Would that be in my iTunes program files?
The folder where your backup data is stored changes depending on the computer’s operating system., since i Tunes only keeps one backup per device, you should ensure the backup folder is included in your periodic data backup routine.