Lightroom Classic does not use the Creative Cloud storage for the image files and the Catalog file. The Catalog files must be located on physical HDD internal or external connected to your computer, but not on a network drive or in the Cloud storage.
Lightroom CC stores original photos in “the cloud” on the Adobe servers, and as such, they are automatically backed up. (You can optionally keep a copy locally) Lightroom Classic stores originals on a local or network hard disk ; the originals cannot be stored in “the cloud”. The user is responsible for backing up these photos.
Lightroom doesn’t mind where you choose to store the photos. They can be on an internal drive, an external drive, a network drive, or even a mix of different drives. The important detail is that YOU know where they are.
For temporary access to the user Library file, press Option and choose Go > Library in the Find er., and app.
Where are Presets stored in Lightroom Classic?
(.lrtemplate) Presets or templates in the .lrtemplate format are stored at: C:\Users\ [user name]\App. Data\Roaming\Adobe\Lightroom\ [preset or template folder]\ [preset or template filename. Lrtemplate] (XMP) Beginning with Lightroom Classic, the existing presets in the .lrtemplate format are automatically converted to a new XMP preset format.
Where are my Lightroom photos stored?
While Lightroom does not store your wedding photos within its software or on a Cloud drive that is supported by the software, it does allow you to decide where you want to store your photos. Lightroom is all about flexibility, customization, and personal preferences, which is perfect for you in your wedding photography workflow.
If the folders of photos are stored in folder called “Lightroom Photos” or another easily identifiable name, it reminds you not to rename, move or delete these photos.
When you import your photos into Lightroom, you have the option to save them on your device instead of saving them to the USB, hard drive, or Cloud drive. This allows you to manage the space on your computer’s hard drive and keep your photos on your camera.
If your photos are beautifully organized into an existing folder structure, you’ll want to select Add. This simply adds the information describing the photos to Lightroom’s catalog, but the photos remain in their current location.
Where is my Lightroom catalog file?
You can also find the location of your catalog by right-clicking on the Lightroom title bar, then selecting Show Catalog location: Your catalog file will pop open (though note that you’ll be one level deeper in the folder hierarchy compared to the previous method).
When you backup your Lightroom Catalog, the actual catalog is backed up but not the previews or your photos. By default the backup of your catalog will be stored in the same location as your Lightroom catalog in a folder called Backups.