Even though Photoshop is a raster graphics software, it has many tools and tricks to support vector images. One of the best tricks is its ability to vectorize raster images. This is a very useful trick every artist and designer should learn to use.
Then, does photoshop do vector graphics?
Photoshop comes with hundreds of pre-built vector shapes called Custom shapes. Just click and drag with the Custom shape tool to instantly create a graphic. Custom shapes are created on separate Shape layers, so you can edit a shape without affecting the rest of the image.
While I was writing we ran into the query “Does photoshop support vector graphics?”.
One idea is that photoshop does have vector tools and can save some vector content in some formats (psd, pdf, eps). However, Photoshop will never create a true vector file. What Photoshop creates are vector containers with raster content. This is dramatically different than a vector container with a vector content.
Can you draw with the vector tools in Photoshop?
Yes you can draw with the vector tools in Photoshop and create vector content. But in order to get the real benefit of that vector content in Photoshop, you have to always use Photoshop for all future alterations.
There are mainly two formats in computer graphics, namely raster and vector. Raster images are pixel-based and are resolution dependant. This means that these Raster images cannot be scaled without losing their picture quality.
This issue arises when you save the file or export it. In all vector-capable formats – PDF, EPS, PSD – Photoshop creates a raster file with embedded vector data. Photoshop does not create a vector file. This is entirely unlike actual vector-based applications.
What is the difference between a graphic file and Photoshop file?
Graphics file formats differ in the way they represent image data (as pixels or vectors), and support different compression techniques and Photoshop features. To preserve all Photoshop features (layers, effects, masks, and so on), save a copy of your image in Photoshop format (PSD).