Premiere Pro takes 8 hours to export 8 mins of video. Why does exporting videos take so long? Since your source video is probably in a different format than the final output, plus there are other things getting overlaid such as music, titles, effects, etc. it takes a lot of processing.
How long does it take to export from preview to ProRes?
Preview files set to Pro. Res 422 HQ, Exported to Pro. Res 422 HQ: 1.4 seconds. Preview files set to Pro. Res 422 HQ, Exported to Pro. Res 422: 5.6 seconds. Preview files set to Pro. Res 422 HQ, Exported to Pro. Res 422 HQ: 4.9 seconds. Preview files set to Pro. Res 422 HQ, Exported to Pro. Res 422: 5.6 seconds.
When Premiere Pro exports some edited video, it has to do two separate tasks: rendering and encoding. It’s important that you understand what that means, so you can understand why our tricks can save you time. Premiere Pro starts the export process by reading the source file that you have imported into your project.
What does the green bar mean in Premiere Pro Export settings?
The green bar means that Premiere Pro doesn’t need to render that section of my timeline again when it exports . Now if I ask Premiere Pro to export the clip again, and I check the box in the export settings that says “ use previews, ” now Premiere will simply take the file that it saved when I rendered and compress that to my output codec.
Why do I have to export the same timeline multiple times?
You often render out a rough cut, and then you get feedback from your producer or your client (perhaps using a tool like Frame. io ), and then you need to export again after you have made some tweaks. And then the process repeats itself, so you often end up exporting the same timeline several times.
What are the best video codecs for Premiere Pro?
The two most common codecs listed are Pro. Res and Cineform, both of which are great. The tricky part is knowing whether or not Premiere is using your preview files exactly as they are and just copying them into the export file, or whether Premiere is reading those preview files, decoding them, and then re-encoding them into the output file.