What does void invoice mean in xero?

Void – If there was an error in a customer invoice and if you do not want to delete it, you can simply void it. Voided invoice will not be removed from the organization, hence it will not affect the invoice numbering sequence. The customer cannot make payment for a voided invoice.

What does it mean to void an invoice in xero?

By deleting the invoice, users will be permanently removing it from their company file. On the other hand, voiding an invoice cancels a particular payment or invoice. Voiding an invoice will keep the invoice number and list it in reports but changes the amounts to zero.

When there is an error with a customer’s invoice you can Void it instead of deleting the invoice. Voided invoices will become uncollectible, you will not be able to pay them and they will not be added to the customer’s overdue or outstanding balance. How to Void an invoice that is synced to Xero.

If the option is not available you might have a payment or few attached to your invoice. Why I cannot void or delete an Invoice or Bill In Xero? This opens in a new window. In order to delete the invoice, you will need to remove the payment.

How do I Void a customer invoice?

Then to the left under ‘sales’ click on ‘customer invoice report’. This brings you to a new page where you can enter the period you need to search and under ‘status’ choose ‘void’.

If they are one supplier and you credit them you can enter one credit for the whole amount and then apply to all the invoices once you click approve on the screen that appears. Whether to void or credit really comes down to whether you have finished reporting for any tax returns of any type or not.

How do I delete an invoice?

In order to delete the invoice, you will need to remove the payment. WARNING: Only remove the payment is you know exactly the origin of the payment. Please, consult your bookkeeper if you are not sure. If you know exactly that you are allowed to delete the payment, click on the payment then Options and Remove & Redo :.

How do I Void a check in Xero?

When you void a check in Xero, you need to select a void date. If you printed a check by mistake or destroyed it, select the date you created the check as the void date.

Void a check you printed by mistake, have destroyed, or that’s stale or expired. Voiding a check deletes the payment transaction from your bank account in Xero and returns any bill, credit note or expense claim associated with the check to an awaiting payment status.

How do I delete a draft bill in Xero?

If you want to delete an awaiting approval bill, you’ll need to delete it in the web version of Xero. Tap [number] draft under Bills, and open the draft bill you want to delete. Tap the menu icon, then select Delete.

If you know exactly that you are allowed to delete the payment, click on the payment then Options and Remove & Redo : It will bring you back to the invoice that you can Void. Xero has a very good system to keep all the records and who have done that.