Does webex require java?

, fed RAMP-compliant Webex Meetings sites require Mac OS 10.13 or later. Starting with Mac OS X 10.7, Apple no longer offers Java as part of the Mac operating system.

Client and Browser Requirements Java. Script and cookies enabled Java 6 and Java 7 (for web browsers that support Java) enabled Cisco Web. Ex plug-ins enabled for Chrome 32 and later and Firefox 27 and later Plug-ins enabled in Safari Active X enabled and unblocked for Microsoft Internet Explorer (recommended).

An answer is that Because of Google and Mozilla policy changes, starting with Chrome 32 and Firefox 27, it might be necessary for users to manually enable the Web. Ex plug-in when using these browsers 1 to join a Web. Ex meeting or to play a Web, and ex recording.

For the Webex App, go to the Options drop-down and select the option for your computer. Don’t see the computer option? The option may be disabled. Contact your Webex site administrator .

Another thing we wondered was: what is a webex document loader?

The Webex Document Loader (WDL) is a printer driver that is installed with our meeting and remote access products. The Webex Document Loader is used for: Importing document files, such as Microsoft Word (.. DOCX) and Adobe Acrobat (.. PDF) files, into the meeting using the Share File (including Video) option.

, web Ex Productivity Tools allow you to start, schedule, and join your meetings from commonly used applications on your Windows or Mac computer or laptop. In your Microsoft Office applications, you can easily add a Web. Ex meeting to your Microsoft Outlook meeting invitation.

Does webex allow recording?

As a site administrator, you can enable automatic recordings for your whole Webex site. With this feature enabled, when any of your users host a meeting or event, Webex automatically begins recording. Sign in to your Webex site, select your name in the upper right of your site, and then select Webex Administration.

Can I Access Cisco WebEx on a mobile device?

Cisco Jabber for Mac 11.9 Users can install the Cisco Webex application for i. OS or Android on their mobile devices. If you enable the Webex mobile feature, users can use the application to attend or start meetings. A user can also access Cisco Webex on a mobile device by using a browser, but it might not provide an optimal user experience.

Only the host, or a cohost if the host isn’t present, can record a meeting. You cannot record if the recording option is not available. If the cohost records the meeting, the meeting host still receives and owns the recording after the meeting ends. For more information on how your recordings are saved, see Record a Webex Meeting .

How do I print a document in Webex?

Share your document–which has now been “printed” on-screen using the Web. Ex Document Loader–with other attendees. Print directly to the Web. Ex Document Loader outside of Web. Ex by selecting the Web. Ex Document Loader printer in your Print screen, which is usually accessed by clicking “File” and “Print” within most applications.

One idea is that Just type in “Web. Ex printer” and just delete anything that relates to it but do it slowly and double check on the names and keys before you delete anything. Please post back if you have any more problems or questions. By jerken · 14 years ago In reply to Delete Web. Ex Document Loa.

Use the Web. Ex Document Loader to view or share documents within the Web, and ex interface ., the web Ex Document Loader is a printer driver that installs with the rest of the Web, and ex software.

Why do I have temporary storage on my WebEx server?

 Those with Host accounts in Web. Ex have a limited amount of temporary storage on Cisco’s Web. Ex servers to allow users the opportunity to record and disseminate limited amounts of conference audio and visual data.