To purely cover the basics, Word. Press costs around $11/month. Realistically though, you should expect a one-off cost of around $200, with a small ongoing monthly charge ($11 – $40/month)., your word Press costs could quickly creep into the $1000+ mark if you need to hire a web designer.
We tell them that Word. Press is a free and open source software, which is usually followed by, “Why is Word, and press free? In this article, we will discuss why is Word. Press free, what’s the cost of running a Word. Press site, and what’s the catch?
While the core Word. Press software is free, the cost of a website depends entirely on your budget and goals. In this article, we will break it all down to answer the ultimate question: How much does it really cost to build a Word, and press website?
How much does a WordPress website cost on a low budget?
Here is the cost break down of a Word. Press website on a low budget. First, you will need a domain name and web hosting . A domain name typically costs $14.99 / year, and web hosting normally costs $7.99 / month.
Moreover, how much does shared WordPress hosting cost?
In general, cheap shared Word. Press hosting will cost $5 to $20 per month at full price. You can also typically pay much less for your first year (or two or three) because most shared hosts offer promotional prices for your first billing cycle.
How much does it cost to build a WordPress ecommerce website?
The cost of building a Word, press e Commerce website can be significantly higher, but we will show you how to build a Word, press e Commerce website while avoiding potential losses and overspending. In addition to hosting and domain, your e. Commerce site will also need an SSL certificate which costs around $69.99/year.
You could be wondering “How much does it cost to build a website?”
Total cost of website: Once again it depends on premium tools and plugins you purchase. It can be anywhere between $300 and $700 per year but could go as high as $1000 per year. What’s the Cost of a Word. Press Ecommerce Website?, word Press powers millions of e. Commerce websites around the world.
The cost of a custom website depends on your requirements, budget, and the rates of the developer or agency you hire. A standard custom Word. Press theme alone can cost you up to $5000. More robust Word. Press sites with specific custom features can cost up to $15000 or even higher.
How to calculate the price of a WordPress website?
If you want a simpler model to calculate the price you should charge for your Word. Press services, here’s a formula you can adapt: Word. Press Website Price = Purchase cost (Theme + Plugins) + Hourly Rate (for each service) * Number of Hours This model usually works in most cases when you have already figured an hourly rate.