Does youtube actually unsubscribe you?

We can confirm You. Tube does not unsubscribe users from channels, so we’d like to learn more about your experience. If you have five minutes please take this brief survey. Your feedback will help us make improvements to You, and tube”.

Youtube doesn’t know what is unsubscribing people. But they are doing it. It is happening, and no one knows why or what the criteria are for an unsubscribe. Youtube has never understood or cared much about the people who make content for their website.

To unsubscribe from the channel, click the “Subscribed” button., you Tube will ask you for confirmation. Click “Unsubscribe” to confirm you wish to end your subscription to that channel. Once confirmed, your subscription to the channel will end, and you should stop receiving notifications for it in your feed.

But, you will not be able to see “who” unsubscribed to your channel, unless you have a list of your subscribers and the person who unsubscribed has made his subscriptions public. You can check it at Live Subs count.

You might prefer to unsubscribe from You. Tube channels using the You. Tube app on Android, i. Phone, or i, and pad., like you Tube on the web, you can unsubscribe from a channel’s landing page, from a video posted by that channel, or from your list of channel subscriptions.

To access this, click the “Subscriptions” option in You. Tube’s left-hand menu. From here, click the “Manage” button in the top right, near your account icon and You, and tube notifications. A list of your active subscriptions will be visible on the next page. To unsubscribe, click the “Subscribed” button next to any of these channels.

Does Youtube have a political bias?

This was concerning because it seems to support the conspiracy theory that Youtube likes to control, censor and promote (or demote) channels and content that fits their political bias. But Youtube doesn’t have a political bias, you say.

How do I see how many subscribers a YouTube channel has?

You can view a list of posted videos, playlists, and other information for a channel from its main channel area. Like the web version of the You. Tube interface, you should be able to see the word “Subscribed” visible below the channel name and number of subscribers under the “Home” tab for that channel.

You can go to options, select Subscribers and choose the specific subscriber you want to block. Then click on the 3-dot structure beside it and select “Remove Subscription from Channel”. Take note that this can only be done on a desktop PC.

Another frequently asked question is “How do I know if a user is subscribed to Stil?”.

Stil appears as subscribed when visiting the Name Explain channel page though. Our automated system analyzes replies to choose the one that’s most likely to answer the question. If it seems to be helpful, we may eventually mark it as a Recommended Answer.