Where does youtube dl download to?

By default youtube-dl will download the files in the current working directory of the Terminal that you have opened. Usually this is your $HOME environment, but not always. This behavior can be modified in either of two ways: Use the -o option with youtube-dl to manually give a location for the downloaded files:.

One source claimed you can find all your downloads in the Downloads tab. To view your downloaded videos, you must be signed in to You. Tube Go with the same Google Account you used when you first downloaded them. You can also view downloaded videos in your device gallery or file manager. At the top of the page, tap More.

How to download videos with youtube-dl?

Downloading videos with youtube-dl Go to You, and tube. Com and find the video you want to download. While watching the video, copy the website URL. It will look Click the Start button in Windows and type in “cmd”, then click on cmd., and exe. At the command prompt, type the following to display a list of.

How do I Save my Downloads to youtube-dl?

Show activity on this post. Output on youtube-dl is handled with the –output or -o switch; pass it as an option, followed by the destination you want to save your downloads to: youtube-dl -o ‘%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\% (title)s-% (id)s.% (ext)s’ www., and youtube., and com/link/to/video.

A common question we ran across in our research was “How do I set a default download location for youtube-dl?”.

I Use the -o option with youtube-dl to manually give a location for the downloaded files: and of course substitute your actual url for ‘youtube file url’. This example sends the completed download to your Desktop. Create a configuration file for youtube-dl as follows: Then set a default download location in this file :.

How do I download YouTube videos?

, you Tube does not allow you to download videos directly from their site. You need to use a download service on another website to download a You, and tube video.

This of course begs the question “How to force youtube-dl to download video from another directory?”

By default youtube-dl downloads files in the same directory from where you run the command. Mostly it’s your home directory. If your name is Tom, then it is /home/Tom. To force it to download elsewhere you should use -o option; and to select quality of video, there is -f option.

What is the best free YouTube video downloader?

, free you Tube Video Downloader 9convert is a free and unlimited You. Tube video downloader. You can easily download thousands of You. Tube videos in high quality formats like 360p, 720p (HD), 1080p (Full HD). We provide the fastest and most convenient way to download You. Tube videos you will ever know.

Note: Currently, You. Tube does not allow for the download of the HD quality video. If available in the list, the MP4 360 video option will only play the video and does not download the video file. After the video has been downloaded, the video file will be available in your downloads folder.

Can I download music from YouTube go?

You can download a music video, if available, by following the steps to download a video. You can’t download audio-only or MP3 files from the You. Tube Go app. Why aren’t my downloaded videos from You. Tube in my gallery? The videos are stored encrypted on the device so other apps can’t open them.