Domo arigato gozaimasu?

Domo arigato (sometimes transcribed in “Doumo arigatou”) is a way of saying “Thank you very much” in Japanese. The combination of Domo with Arigato has the effect of reinforcing the power of your thanks. Arigato gozaimasu, a formal thank you.

Arigato gozaimasu (sometimes transcribed in “Arigatou gozaimasu”) is a more polite way of saying “Arigato”. This is the most common form of politeness when you talk to someone who has a higher professional or social status than yours.

What does Arigato gozaimasu mean in Japanese?

“ Arigato gozaimasu ” (ありがとうございます) means “ Thank you ! It is a polite and formal way to thank somebody in Japanese and should be used with strangers, older people, and higher-ups. It is also common to use the more formal “ Domo arigato gozaimasu ” (どうもありがとうございます) which means “ Thank you very much “.

O gozaimasu [ございます] who most often accompanies the arigato dome it’s just an educated version of desu [です] and can be combined in the past with arigatou gozaimashita [ありがとうございました]. Its origin comes from the keigo sourou and enjoyed.

Gozaimasu is a verb. The verbs are conjugated in the past in Japanese. But Gozaimasu becomes Gozaimashita in the past. So it is better to use “Arigato gozaimashita ” instead of “Arigato gozaimasu” when you thank someone who has just done an action.

This of course begs the inquiry “What is the reply to anigato gozaimashita?”

Saying ‘ Domo. ” as the reply to Anigato gozaimashita. Means “Thank you” when leaving a shop. ‘Domo.’ is considered rude by some people. Thanking your friends with ‘Arigato’ is a more appropriate way to express gratitude. Suppose you want to say “thank you” to a shop assistant when the item you bought is handed to you?

Is Domo Arigatou gozaimasu written in hiragana?

I’m a native Japanese. When you translate ‘domo arigatou gozaimasu’ into Japanese, always write all characters in Hiragana. Translation, just like a word used in the early 20th century.

The next thing we wanted the answer to was: how do you use Domo in Japanese?

One answer is, for an action that has already been completed, the form is arigato gozaimashita. To add emphasis, domo (pronounced with the first “o” drawn out timewise) can be used before any of these.