But, it is an annoying error. Till now, the e xact reasons for red x on files Windows 10 is unknown. But, when this issue occurs, it usually means that the file/folder/disk is not refreshing, updating, or syncing. If you are also bothered by this question, don’t worry!
Ive seen files have a grey X on them when these files have been excluded from the backup. It may also be One. Drives backup facility which is creating the X due to them being excluded or being not backed up.
I understand that you see a grey X on the files in the C: drive. I’ll certainly assist you with the issue. Upon researching, I found that it seems that the files are not being synced with One. Drive properly that is the reason you are facing this issue.
While I was researching we ran into the query “Why is my one drive gray?”.
, gray one Drive cloud icon. A grayed-out One. Drive icon in the taskbar means you’re not signed in, or One. Drive setup hasn’t completed. Press, search for One. Drive and then open the One. Drive desktop app. Note: If you see the error message “You’re already syncing a personal One. Drive on this computer.
What does the X mean on OneDrive for business?
If you’re seeing an X mark on a folder, it means the version on your PC is out of sync. To find out why, go to the right side of the taskbar, select the Show hidden icons arrow, press and hold (or right-click) One. Drive, and then select View sync problems.
If you see a “people” icon next to your One. Drive files or folders, this indicates the file or folder has been shared with other people. Learn more about how to change sharing at Share One. Drive files and folders. A blue cloud icon next to your One. Drive files or folders indicates that the file is only available online.
, one Drive icons show the status of files and folders (including the files and subfolders within them) that are open, syncing, synced, or items that cannot sync. If you see a red circle with a cross, it means that the version of One. Drive on your PC is out of sync .
One of the next things we asked ourselves was what do the blue and white OneDrive icons mean?
The blue one is for your work or school account, the white one is for your personal account. Learn how to add an account in One, and drive. Gray X on desktop icons This is not a One. Drive icon, but a corrupted Windows shortcut icon.
Why is there a gray X over my OneDrive icon?
This is not a One. Drive icon, but a corrupted Windows shortcut icon. If you see a gray X over your Windows Desktop shortcuts, try these tips: Right-click on your Desktop and select Refresh. Uninstall any backup applications that are not longer used.
, gray one Drive cloud icon A grayed-out One. Drive icon in the taskbar means you’re not signed in, or One. Drive setup hasn’t completed. On a PC, press, search for One. Drive and then open the One. Drive desktop app. On a Mac, use Finder or Spotlight to start One, and drive.
The icon for onedrive has white forefront and grey in the back. I too thought when One. Drive was working correctly, the cloud was supposed to be blue. It sure would look more pleasing than this dull grey icon.
Why won’t OneDrive back up my files?
In our case at least, One. Drive’s storage capacity was maxed out. Had to disable syncing of local folders – which the client didn’t want backed up anyway – then clear/remove those files from her account on the One. Drive website to resolve it.
If you’re seeing the sync pending icon in File Explorer, read One. Drive is stuck on “Sync pending”. If you see a red “no entry” style icon over your One. Drive icon, it means your account is blocked. Learn more about what to do when your One. Drive account is frozen.