Open your Edit Event page and scroll down to the Eventbrite section: The first step to publishing an event and connecting it to Eventbrite is to change the option “Register this event with eventbrite. Com” to “Yes.” This is where all the magic happens and all your event and ticket-creating powers are revealed.
After you have published the event, you can change the event settings such as the event description, cover image or event title at any time. Please note that some event settings, such as the event date and time, cannot be edited after publishing the event. To edit your event, please click the Edit button of the event.
Editing an event. You can edit the content for your event directly in the Word. Press editing screen for a particular event and have the changes save both on your site and Eventbrite. However, once you’ve published an event, you will see new options in the Word. Press editing screen that help you manage the event on both your site and Eventbrite as well.
One more inquiry we ran across in our research was “How do I publish an event in Eventbrite music?”.
NOTE: Eventbrite Music — if you’re not defaulted to the Events page (where events for the selected organization show), switch your organization in the top-right of the screen. Then click “Events”. Click “Publish Event” (top of the page).
How do I edit or reschedule my event?
Monitor your event’s status. Once set, you’ll see “Scheduled” (at the top of the page) and have options to reschedule, unschedule or publish now. TIP : You can still make changes to your event before and after it’s published.
How do I edit the information for my event attendees?
First, go to your event’s Manage page and select either (Event Reports is under “Analyze” and Orders is under “Manage Attendees”.) Then find the Quick Actions (Event Reports) or Actions (Orders) drop-down menu and choose “Edit Attendee Info.” Edit the fields you’d like and click ” Save Changes” to lock in the updated information.
Yet another inquiry we ran across in our research was “How do I edit my event ticket?”.
To get started, go to your Event Dashboard and select “Orders” (under “Manage attendees”). Then select “Action” and click “Edit ticket buyer” or “Edit attendee info”. Check this first. ☑️ You are the organizer of your event. If you’re an attendee and need to update your ticket, follow these steps instead.
As the event organizer, you have the ability to change the information on any order. Use this to fix typos, change the ticket owner, or update information. To get started, go to your Event Dashboard and select “Orders” (under “Manage attendees”).
How to change the status of an event in Eventbrite?
Event status definitions 2. Go to your Event Dashboard. Change the event status and pause ticket sales. View the updated event status. Put tickets back on sale. Each Eventbrite event has a status that reflects the current status of your ticket sales.
You may be asking “How do I Make my event private on Eventbrite?”
Log into your Eventbrite account. Then select your event. Go to “Privacy settings”. (Optional): Make your event public. Public — Events will be shown in the Eventbrite public events directory, on major search engines, and partner sites.
How do I schedule a publish time for my event?
How to schedule a publish time for your event. Log into your account. Event creators can log into their Eventbrite account here. Select your event. Click “Publish Event” (top of the page). Set a future date and time for the event to go live., and more items.
The “Schedule Publish” feature lets you determine when your event listing goes live. To do this, select your event and click Publish Event (at the top of the page).