Where is eventbrite based?

Eventbrite is an American event management and ticketing website. The service allows users to browse, create, and promote local events. The service charges a fee to event organizers in exchange for online ticketing services, unless the event is free.

Eventbrite charges a fee for using its online ticketing services, but free events are not charged. API features: The Eventbrite API allows you to access the platform’s features and send and receive data related to initiating and managing events.

The Eventbrite REST API enables communication between Eventbrite and your application or website using HTTP requests. Transmitted request and response data content is formatted as JSON (although we provide a GET alternative for requests), using UTF-8 encoding and URL encoded values.

Yet another query we ran across in our research was “What are the benefits of using Eventbrite?”.

Eventbrite does not charge anything for free events whether small or big. A small fee is charged when users start collecting payments, but event organizers can have the attendees pay that fee.

Does eventbrite cost?

Eventbrite is free to use for free events ! For more advanced ticketing needs try calculating your payout using the Professional package. You can avoid fees by passing them to attendees.

How is Eventbrite’s pricing calculated?

Eventbrite’s pricing is based on your package. Packages differ slightly based on feature availability for each region, and price tiers determined by the event’s currency. Based on your current location, Essentials pricing is 2% + $0.79 per paid ticket and Professional pricing is 3.5% + $1.59 per paid ticket.

Eventbrite does not charge fees for free events which means that if you organize an event where attendees don’t have to purchase tickets, you can market your event through Eventbrite without being charged any fees. This enables first-time event organizers to get started without having to worry about selling tickets or accepting payments.

Pricing starts at $99 per event. Apart from tickets, Eventbrite organizers can furthermore collect donations for the events they host. Instead of paying a fixed ticket fee, attendees themselves can choose the price they pay for a given event.

This of course begs the inquiry “How much money can you make selling event tickets on Eventbrite?”

If you sell out every seat, you’d see $15,000 in revenue. However, not before Eventbrite administered its fees. The Professional Package takes 3.5%, and an additional $1.59 per ticket sold in ticket commission . When it’s all said and done, your smaller event could cost you $843 in Eventbrite fees – meaning your take-home would be $14,157*.

What is Eventbrite as a data controller?

Eventbrite as a data controller. Where an Organiser creates an account with Eventbrite to organise and ticket their events, Eventbrite will be a data controller over the personal data that Organisers provide about themselves as part of their account creation process.

Eventbrite physically stores personal data in the United States.

How does the Eventbrite API Plugin work?

This plugin uses the Eventbrite API to read directly from Evenbrite servers. Don’t be put off by the words API, that just means the plugin is linked directly to Eventbrite data – no rekeying, no extra data to manage. What it looks like on your site will depend on your theme and any extra styling you want to apply.

Another frequent question is “What is Eventbrite widget for WordPress?”.

A whole new level to your event management, as Eventbrite is a marketing platform as well as a processing platform. This free plugin creates a Widget for Eventbrite using the API enabling you to display your forthcoming events, just like you would do for recent posts in an easy to use and familiar way.

API features: The API aggregates the best events from more than 70 events and ticketing websites, such as Eventbrite, Word. Press, Eventful, Facebook, and Meetup. The events are from a wide range of categories, including festivals, sports, business meetings, art expos, and concerts.