What to do when an excel file won’t open?

The Excel file will not open if, by any chance, this setting is enabled. Below are the steps to fix the DDE issue: Step 1: Open the Excel file from the Start menu. Step 2: Click on the File tab. Step 4: Under the Options dialogue box, select the ‘Advanced’ option on the left pane.

While researching we ran into the query “How to fix MS Excel file won’t open?”.

Step 1: Open MS Excel and click on “File”. Step 2: Select “Open” to find the file that won’t open and then click on “Open and Repair” option. Step 3: Click on “Repair” to start repairing.

Then, how do I open an Excel file that is blank?

Right Click to Open the Excel If there is nothing changed after double-clicking the target excel file, or, the excel program starts up but it comes with a blank white screen, you may try to right-click on the file and select Open. Maybe you should further choose Workbook after selecting Open to solve the problem.

This leaves the “lock” file behind. It is this lock file that is causing the problem. On her machine, with no spreadsheets open, in Excel, go to File menu > Options command > Save option. Make note of the “Default local file location”.

A common question we ran across in our research was “Why does excel say cannot open the file (filename) xlsx?”.

The error does not recognize the extension of file. It says, ‘ Excel cannot open the file ‘ (filename)’.xlsx because the file format for the file extension is not valid. ’ There is always a number associated with such errors, to find that number press “Ctrl+Shift+I” and you’ll find “ 101590 ” at the lower-right corner of this message.

You might be thinking “Why is my Excel file not opening when I double click?”

Hence, it won’t open the file you’ve double-clicked on. There is a probability that the Excel File Associations settings are been altered; and hence, your excel file will not open. Try resetting these and check if the Excel opens after the reset.

How to open XLSX files on Windows 10?

Right-click the Excel file in the File Explorer. In the context menu, select “Open With” and then “Choose another app”. Windows will now show the application that opens Excel files by default. In this dialog box, select “Excel” under “Other options” and select “Always use this app to open XLSX files”.

How do I fix Excel error ~ $in Excel 2010?

On her machine, with no spreadsheets open, in Excel, go to File menu > Options command > Save option. Make note of the “Default local file location”. Then open that folder on her machine. Look for a spreadsheet file with a name similar to the problem file replacing the first 2 letters with ~$.