The following formula will help you sum a column until a condition is met in adjacent column in Excel. Please do as follows. Select a blank cell for placing the summing result, then enter formula =SUM(B1:. INDEX($B$1:$B$6,. MATCH(D2,$A$1:$A$6,0)))into the Formula Bar, and then press the Enterkey to get the result., and see screenshot:.
Note: In the formula, $B$1:$B$6 is the range you need to sum, D2 is the summing condition, and $A$1:$A$6 is the adjacent column which contains the summing condition. Please change them as you need.
Excel sum column where value matches?
To sum values in columns by matching matching column headers, you can use a formula based on the SUMPRODUCT function. In the example shown, the formula in J5 is: = SUMPRODUCT(data * (LEFT(headers) = J4)) where “data” is the named range B5:. G14, and “headers” is the named range B4:, and g4.
You might be asking “How to sum values in matching columns and rows?”
To sum values in matching columns and rows, you can use the SUMPRODUCT function. In the example shown, the formula in J6 is: = SUMPRODUCT( data * ( codes = J4) * ( days = J5 )) where data (C5:. G14), days (B5:. B14), and codes (C4:. G4) are named ranges.
Select a blank cell, copy the below formula into it and press the Enter key to get the result. If you are not good at applying formula, here recommend you the Vlookup and Sum feature of Kutools for Excel. With this feature, you can easily vlookup and sum matches in rows or columns with only clicks.
How to sum values based on another column in Excel?
Select the range that you will sum values based on criteria in another column, and click Kutools > Content > Advanced Combine Rows. Please note that the range should contain both the column you will sum based on and the column you will sum.
And then press Shift + Ctrl + Enter keys together to get the result, see screenshot: Note: In the above formulas: Tom and Feb are the column and row criteria that based on, A2:A7, B1:. J1 are the column headers and row headers contain the criteria, B2:. J7 is the data range that you want to sum.
How to sum values based on multiple criteria in Excel?
When we need to sum values based on multiple criteria, we can add two or more SUMIF functions, or we use a combination of SUM and SUMIF functions., and here’s how. SUMIF combined with multiple criteria.
If you want to sum values with multiple criteria in different columns, you can use the SUMIF function to solve this task quickly. The generic syntax is: =SUMIFS (sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ).
Then, how do I use the SumIf function in Excel?
Some believe that you use the SUMIF function to sum the values in a range that meet criteria that you specify. For example, suppose that in a column that contains numbers, you want to sum only the values that are larger than 5. You can use the following formula: =SUMIF (B2:. B25,”> 5″).
How do you sum if multiple criteria in Python?
For multiple OR criteria in the same field, we use several SUMIF functions, one for each category. = [ SUMIF] + [SUMIF]+ =SUMIF (range1, criteria1, [sum_range1]) + SUMIF (range2, criteria2, [sum_range2])+ This formula works like an OR logical formula, which sums values for every criteria that is satisfied.
The SUMIF (SUM+IF) with multiple criteria sums the cell values based on the conditions provided. The criteria are based on dates, numbers, and text. The SUMIF function works with a single criterion, while the SUMIFS function works with multiple criteria in excel. How to use SUMIF with Multiple Criteria?