Why excel won’t open?

A common reason due to which the Excel file won’t open is the “ Dynamic Data Exchange” feature of Microsoft. Its function is to send the instruction to the Microsoft program when you double click on an Excel file.

In the below article, you will get to know different yet simple solutions for Excel not opening problem.

Excel file opens in the wrong program If an Excel file opens in a spreadsheet program other than Excel, or if it opens in an application that cannot display the file, the file association is set incorrectly in Windows. Right-click the Excel file in the File Explorer. In the context menu, select ‘Open With’ and then ‘Choose another app’.

Why can’t I open Excel 2016/Windows 10?

The problem of .xls file not getting opened after upgrading to Excel 2016 / Windows 10 is a common problem. This problem may occur after any windows / MS Office update as well. Start the Excel and CTRL+O (or File > Open) > Locate the file and open the file.

In general, Excel 2016 can open .xls files created in Excel 95 or later, and with a simple change in the Excel Options, even .xls files created in Excel 2 or later.

What to do when Excel does not open a file?

Below are some of the common solutions suggested to use when your Microsoft Excel does not open a file. Uncheck the ignore DDE box. Checking the DDE is one of the most common reasons why you will have your Excel files not opening. When you check the Dynamic Data Exchange then you should expect trouble opening your Excel files.

Uncheck The Ignore DDE Box A common reason due to which the Excel file won’t open is the “ Dynamic Data Exchange” feature of Microsoft. Its function is to send the instruction to the Microsoft program when you double click on an Excel file.

Why is my Excel file not opening when I double click?

Hence, it won’t open the file you’ve double-clicked on. There is a probability that the Excel File Associations settings are been altered; and hence, your excel file will not open. Try resetting these and check if the Excel opens after the reset.

How to fix Excel file associations not working?

Open the Excel program by creating a new Excel file. In the new Excel file, navigate to File > Options > Advanced > General. Uncheck the “ Ignore other applications that use Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) ”. Click OK to exist.

Why can’t I open XLS/XLSX file?

It usually occurs after upgrading the MS Office or Windows OS. However, this problem may also occur even after a minor MS Office or Windows update. NOTE: XLS file may also won’t open if it’s corrupt or damaged. If the XLS/XLSX file was opening earlier but does not open anymore, it indicates corruption.

Why can’t I open a file?

It’s probably because it’s been saved in a file format that this version of Excel doesn’t support. Check the table to see if that’s the case.