How to expand excel rows that are collapsed?

Another way to collapse rows in Excel is to select any cell in the group and click the Hide Detail button on the Data tab, in the Outline group: Either way, the group will be minimized to the summary row, and all of the detail rows will be hidden. Collapse or expand the entire outline to a specific level.

In Excel 2010: On the Options tab, in the Show group, click +/- Buttons to show or hide the expand and collapse buttons. In Excel 2007: On the Options tab, in the Show/Hide group, click +/- Buttons to show or hide the expand and collapse buttons.

To display the expand/collapse buttons, we will go to the Pivot table Tools tab and click on the Analyze tab. When we want to collapse or expand all groups at a particular level, we will click on the corresponding outline number at the top left corner of the worksheet. In our data, we have 3 outline levels.

How to expand rows within a group in Excel?

To expand the rows within a certain group, click any cell in the visible summary row, and then click the Show Detail button on the Data tab, in the Outline group: Or click the plus sign for the collapsed group of rows that you want to expand: How to remove outline in Excel In case you want to remove all row groups at once, then clear the outline.

However, Microsoft Excel allows you to resize rows in different ways such as changing row height by using the mouse, auto fitting rows and wrapping text. Further on in this tutorial, you will find full details on all these techniques. In Excel worksheets, the default row height is determined by the font size.

Why do excel rows collapse height?

In Microsoft Excel, if you manually modify the height of a row and then format a cell in that row to wrap text, Excel does not change the height of the row to fit all the text in the cell. Cause This behavior occurs if you have manually modified the height of the row.

How to reset row height in Excel 2010?

Usually all the user has to do is go back and reset the row height on these cells and save before they can go back to making changes. It’s more annoying then anything else so if someone could provide any solutions, it would be greatly apppreciated.

This of course begs the question “Why is my row height so high in Excel?”

Then it will jack up the row height when you do something completely unrelated, 50 columns away from that cell, but on the same row. A strong clue that this is the culprit is if you mark an entire row and hit the delete key (relax, you’ll ‘undo’ this immediately) and the row instantly returns to default height.

What is the row height in Excel 2029?

According to Microsoft, with the default font Calibri 11, the row height is 12.75 points, which is approximately 1/6 inch or 0.4 cm. In practice, in Excel 2029, 2016 and Excel 2013, row height varies depending on the display scaling (DPI) from 15 points on a 100% dpi to 14.3 points on a 200% dpi.