Click the Edit Settings button. You can get your API by logging into Mail. Chimp, and use the drop-down menu in the top-right corner to access your Account. From there, you can click on the Extras drop-down and click on API keys. Or, click here, to directly link to the API keys page.
How do I view my list in Mailchimp?
Login to your Mail, and chimp account. You’ll want to be sure you are on the correct screen within Mail, and chimp. Choose List from the top menu. This is what to click if you are looking at Mail. Chimp from a desktop computer. If you don’t see the menu I show above, you’re probably in mobile view .
What is your Mailchimp list?
Your Mailchimp list, also known as your audience, is where you store and manage all of your contacts.
How do I Find my Mailchimp API keys?
In the Mailchimp connection, click Disconnect or X. In a new tab or window, log into your Mailchimp account. Click your profile name and choose Account. Click the Extras drop-down menu, then click API Keys.
Manage segments and tags for a specific Mailchimp list. A segment is a section of your list that includes only those subscribers who share specific common field information. Tags are labels you create to help organize your contacts.
How do I open a Mailchimp file?
You can open the file with any spreadsheet program, but we find most people use Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Open, and office calc. Here are some links to show you how to open files in these programs. Export files contain your audience fields along with contact data that Mailchimp collects.
While reading we ran into the question “What is a campaign in Mailchimp?”.
One source claimed a campaign contains the email you send to the email addresses in your list. Since a Mail. Chimp list holds email addresses, let’s talk just a little bit about these email addresses you’ll put into your list before we create a list.
How do I set up the subscriber module with MailChimp?
Generate Your API Key. Before you can use the Subscriber Module with Mail. Chimp, you will first need to connect your Mail, and chimp account. To do this, you’ll need to generate an API key. Below, you’ll learn how to do it. Click your profile name to expand the Account Panel, and choose Account. Click the Extras drop-down menu and choose API keys.
While researching we ran into the inquiry “How do I integrate Mailchimp with Squarespace?”.
Go to your Mailchimp account. Create a new audience following Mailchimp’s steps. In your Squarespace site, double-click the form block or newsletter block to open the block editor. Click the Storage tab, then click Mailchimp. Select the new audience from the drop-down menu.
1 Navigate to “Lists” in the Mail. Chimp Dashboard Mail. Chimp’s dashboard contains all of your subscriber information, your email campaign templates, reports, automation tasks, and more. First, let’s go to the “Lists” area where you manage your subscribers. Click on “Lists” in the top navigation bar.
The menu bar at the top will lead you around the different sections on Mailchimp. Anytime you want to get back to the dashboard just click the Chimp. Now you are ready to build your first audience list.
How do I remove the required fields in Mailchimp forms?
In your Mailchimp account, go to the Audience page and click the audience associated with the form. Select the Settings drop-down menu. Click Audience fields and *|MERGE|* tags. Uncheck any Required boxes. Mailchimp always requires an email address.