How to find out what the bing picture is?

Right-click on the Bing icon in the System Tray (Up arrow) on the taskbar You will see a short description or details of what the photo is. for example, it will tell you what type of animal it is or where a landscape was photographed. You can check the link below for more details.

Some sources claimed there should be a small “i” icon next to the settings gear that will display the image information. If not, then the quickest way to get the information about the image is to type bing. Com into the search bar.

Moreover, how do I get the full story behind a Bing image?

Now you can simply scroll down to get the full story behind the Bing image of the day. “I love it. Getting more information on the picture is just a scroll away.” – feedback from a Bing Insider In the Image of the Day section, you’ll find the expanded story behind each image, including a mini-map or a “quick fact.”.

This is the ^ symbol, left of your clock/calendar (bottom right) of your task bar. Left click, then select the blue ‘b’ (Bing icon). It will bring-up the Bing image details, options, and other fun things.

How do I take a screenshot and search Bing Images?

As a first attempt you can simply take a screenshot and search for that image directly on Bing. How do you do that? I’m glad you asked! Go to images., and bing. Com and click on the tiny camera icon on the right side of the search input field….

Why the Bing homepage image?

The Bing homepage image takes you to new places every day. Users tell us how they escape to a far-off vista during their coffee break, and how their children look forward to sitting down each afternoon to learn about a new creature and its curious habitat.

How do I change the background image on Bing Desktop?

The Bing Desktop app appears on your taskbar, as you have mentioned. It will not have the pop-up menu. To see information about the image, you need to go into the Settings options (the gear icon that appears next to the Bing search bar on your desktop) and select the option to Make daily homepage image your background .

How do I find out where a photo was taken?

The desktop gadget uses the Bing image of the day as the background. If just want to know where the picture was taken, go to Bing mouse over the copyright symbol in the lower-right corner to see a quick caption about the image, as well as the photographer’s name and agency. Hope this information helps.