Github pages currently do not support PHP as it only supports static website. However, if you want to display some dynamic content on your website, you can simply use iframe to display that content, but again it has to be hosted somewhere else.
Github Pages is not a full-featured web host. It will not execute PHP, or any other arbitrary code. Show activity on this post. No, you can’t. Github Pages let you serve web client content (HTML, Javascript, CSS) without the need of owning and maintaining a web server. You can make sub folders, map your domain into it.
One of the next things we wanted the answer to was why should I host my PHP site on GitHub?
Why do you even want to host your PHP site on Github when you have proper servers like Digital. Ocean, AWS and others. If it is the server hassles that you want to avoid, then there are services that provides managed PHP site hosting on these servers. As for github pages, I don’t think it supports non-static sites.
Yet another inquiry we ran across in our research was “Can I host more than one website on GitHub?”.
If you want to host more than one website, you can do so easily and as many as you want. You can make a new repository or use an existing repository that has an index., and html file. The hosted URL will be in the format https://
How do I host my project on GitHub?
You can host your site on Git, and hub’s github. Io domain or your own custom domain. For more information, see ” Using a custom domain with Git. Hub Pages.” If your project site is published from a private or internal repository owned by an organization using Git. Hub Enterprise Cloud, you can manage access control for the site.
How to host a static website on GitHub?
You can host your static web pages, like blog or portfolio, on Git. Hub’s servers for free. Initially, you will have the domain name which will look something like this: yourname., and github. Io, but if you have your own domain name, we can point it to your repository.
Before you can create your own website on Git. Hub pages, you need to create an account on Git, and hub. If you already have an account on Git. Hub, make sure to login. Both can be accessed from the upper right toolbar.
How to create a GitHub repository?
Create a Github account. You need to have a Github account to host your website and access other awesome features. Go to Git. Hub’s official website! And create a new account for free. Create a new repository (folder). After you sign up! Click on create repository button on the left side of your screen.
Does GitHub Pages Support server-side programming?
Quote from page: “Git. Hub Pages is a static site hosting service and doesn’t support server-side code such as, PHP, Ruby, or Python.”.
Is there a way to run Git on an Apache server?
1 You can run Git (not the whole Github) via Apache HTTP Server, so that you host the Git repo on your server’s filesystem and expose it via HTTP. You get all Git functionalities, but obviously you won’t be able to pull-requestor track issues.
Can I host my PHP site on GH pages?
You surely can host the PHP file in GH repos as a static file but it won’t execute on the GH Pages platform. What would you guys recommend to use instead? Javascript Why do you even want to host your PHP site on Github when you have proper servers like Digital. Ocean, AWS and others.