, using git Hub as a submission platform also makes it easier for educators to monitor student progress, activity, and participation., git Hub has numerous features that support transparency of student activities, e. G, graphs and the news-feed that aggregates all the activity in one place.
Another question we ran across in our research was “What is GitHub and why should I use it?”.
Nearly every open-source project uses Git. Hub to manage their projects., using git Hub is free if your project is open source, and it includes a wiki and issue tracker that makes it easy to include more in-depth documentation and get feedback about your project.
Here is what I ran into., git Hub Campus Experts is a Git. Hub Education initiative focused on providing leadership and community skills to student leaders on their campuses. A GCE (Git. Hub Campus Expert) is a student with the ability to improve the technical skills of its community.
“As a Git. Hub Campus Expert, you will receive training and mentorship from Git. Hub employees, opportunities to participate in exclusive events, and support to help you grow the developer community at your school”. This is an excerpt from the official Git. Hub Campus Expert page, which beautifully sums up what you would be getting out of it.
The authors of the original repository can see your work, and then choose whether or not to accept it into the official project. Whenever you issue a pull request, Git. Hub provides a perfect medium for you and the main project’s maintainer to communicate.
What is github student developer pack?
, the git Hub Student Developer Pack is a program created by Git. Hub that helps students learn through doing by giving them free access to the best developer tools in one place. Find out more here .
, git Hub Education offers students real-world experience with free access to various developer tools from Git, and hub’s partners. This pack gives you free access to various tools that world-class developers use.
What’s new at GitHub Education on August 2021?
Check your application status: The Git. Hub Education team is getting all set for the next batch of Git. Hub Campus Experts. Applications to the program will open in February 2022, and you’ll have a full month to submit.
For more information, see ” About Git. Hub Campus Program .” To be eligible for the Git. Hub Student Developer Pack, you must: Be currently enrolled in a degree or diploma granting course of study such as a high school, secondary school, college, university, homeschool, or similar educational institution.
Once your Git. Hub Student Developer Pack access expires, you may reapply if you’re still eligible, although some of our partner offers cannot renew. Most of the timed offers from our partners start once you set them up. For more information, see the Git. Hub Student Developer Pack page.
How do I view the student developer Pack?
You can view the Student Developer Pack and all the things that come with it by going here. First of all you need to have a Git. Hub account in order to avail the Student Developer Pack.
How do I contribute to a project on GitHub?
If you want to contribute, you just fork (get a copy of) a project, make your changes, and then send the project a pull request using Git. Hub’s web interface. This pull request is your way of telling the project you’re ready for them to review your changes. By using Git. Hub, you make it easier to get excellent documentation.
The next thing we wanted the answer to was; is GitHub free to use for open source projects?
To be honest, nearly every open-source project uses Git. Hub to manage their project., using git Hub is free if your project is open source and includes a wiki and issue tracker that makes it easy to include more in-depth documentation and get feedback about your project.
How long does it take to get accepted to GitHub?
If your submission was approved, Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to the program. You’ll go through the Git. Hub Campus Experts Training. The training has six modules and takes 12 hours to complete in a span of 6 weeks.
What is a campus expert?
Campus Experts are student leaders that strive to build diverse and inclusive spaces to learn skills, share their experiences, and build projects together. They can be found across the globe leading in-person and online conferences, meetups, and hackathons, and maintaining open source projects.