Your real name or your Twitter handle are both good choices for a Git, and hub handle.
A common inquiry we ran across in our research was “Does github username matter?”.
No, your user. Name does not matter. However your user. Email should match one of the addresses in your Git, and hub settings. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow!
The Git username is not the same as your Git, and hub username. You can change the name that is associated with your Git commits using the git config command. The new name you set will be visible in any future commits you push to Git. Hub from the command line. If you’d like to keep your real name private, you can use any text as your Git username.
I would assume that one would want to use their real name in order to be professional and easily found. I am aspiring to be a software engineer and know that github is a good way to show what code one is capable of writing, so I want to pick a good name :).
Moreover, how to set Git username in Bash?
Setting your Git username for a single repository Open Terminal Terminal Git Bash. Change the current working directory to the local repository where you want to configure the name that is associated Set a Git username: $ git config user. Name “Mona Lisa” Confirm that you have set the Git username.
If you hold a trademark for the username, you can find more information about making a trademark complaint on our Trademark Policy page. If you do not hold a trademark for the name, you can choose another username or keep your current username., git Hub Support cannot release the unavailable username for you.
Should I use my GitHub account name or email address?
The first implies that one should use their proper name, the second is unclear. However, the Git. Hub page also has the following to say: We use the email address to associate your commits with your Git, and hub account.
You might be thinking “How do I Find my GitHub username and email?”
Our best answer was in the Git. Hub Desktop menu, click Preferences. To view your Git. Hub username, click Accounts. To view your Git email, click Git. Note that this email is not guaranteed to be your primary Git, and hub email. In the File menu, click Options. To view your Git. Hub username, click Accounts.
Can I use my own name as a user name?
You can use your proper name, username or whatever identifier you’d like for user., and name. It will be logged in each commit along with your email address, commit message and various other details.