Why google analytics is not working?

Another reason why your Google Analytics is not working is that it might be conflicting with another script on your webpage. If you have other scripts running on your website, make sure they don’t use the same variables as Google Analytics. You can check out the development documents for Universal Analytics Java, and script library.

Why is my Google Analytics tracking not working?

Now if something goes wrong with the plugin itself or you customized the Google Analytics tracking code in such a way that the plugin no longer communicates with the GA Java. Script then your tracking may stop working.

You could be getting a frequent drop in traffic because your pages don’t have Google Analytics tracking code. We’ve said this a lot throughout the article, check if Google Analytics tracking code is correctly set up on all your pages. If it’s not, the code won’t load on a page and it won’t get tracked.

If You are using Google Tag Manager for analytics implementation there could be multiple reasons why you see analytics not working or incomplete tracking. A few of them might be as below: Tags not firing: Look at Google Tag Manager preview mode and check if the tag is firing or not.

How to check if Google Analytics is working properly?

1 Analyze real-time reports If you have website visitors but are not seeing traffic data in your Google Analytics real-time reports, the tracking code you installed on your website is 2 Use Google Tag Assistant You can also use Google Tag Assistant to verify if your Google Analytics tracking code is working properly. 3 Check developer tools.

How do I know if my Google Analytics code is working?

Test it out yourself – open your site in another tab, then refresh the Overview. If your Google Analytics code is working, you should be able to see data on this page. You should be able to see your page view sitting on your site in the Real-Time report, and you should even be able to discern that it’s you by the location of the dot on the map.

Why is there no data in my Google Analytics?

If the User-ID is enabled but not properly configured, your Google Analytics account will contain no data. You have conflicting scripts on your page or website If other scripts on your page are using the same variables as Google Analytics, you are going to encounter problems with your tracking code.

If you don’t see any data at all in your Real-Time reports, then the most likely cause is an issue with the Google Analytics tracking code. The first thing to do is to check that the correct tracking code is installed on your website. To check the tracking code, navigate to ‘Admin’, select ‘Tracking Info’ and then ‘Tracking Code’.

Why can’t I create a view in google analytics?

The Google Analytics View column is missing! In Universal Analytics, when you create a new Account and Property, the default View is automatically created. However, it looks like there is a bug in GA4 that not only doesn’t create a default view, but also makes it impossible to create a view manually.

How do I create a view in Google Analytics?

Sign in to Google Analytics.. Click Admin, and navigate to the account and property to which you want to add the view. In the VIEW column, click the menu, then click + Create View. Select either Website or Mobile App. What’s the difference? Enter a Name .

A reporting view is a place in an Analytics account where you can view reports and analysis tools. Google Analytics automatically creates an unfiltered view for each property in your Google Analytics account . But you can setup up to 25 views on a single property.

So, how many views does Google Analytics have for a property?

This is what my research found. Google Analytics automatically creates an unfiltered view for each property in your Google Analytics account. But you can setup up to 25 views on a single property. Any data sent to a Google Analytics property automatically appear in all views associated with that property. (Excluding data removed with filters.).

OBS.: My Google Analytics account was imported directly from Firebase.