This is the default location. Normally it would be C: Usersyouruserid. Google Drive, but you can place the Google Drive folder wherever you want. This is the default location.
Where does google drive download windows 10?
Normally it would be C: Usersyouruserid. Google Drive, but you can place the Google Drive folder wherever you want. This is the default location. Normally it would be C: Usersyouruserid. Google Drive, but you can place the Google Drive folder wherever you want.
This begs the inquiry “Where is the Google Drive folder in Windows 10?”
Normally it would be C:\Users\youruserid\Google Drive, but you can place the Google Drive folder wherever you want. This is the default location. Normally it would be C:\Users\youruserid\Google Drive, but you can place the Google Drive folder wherever you want.
Another common query is “What is the default location of Google Drive?”.
By default Google Drive folder will be created in C: Users[user name]Google Drive. If you are looking for a step by step process to change the location of this folder, read below.
How do I find my Google Drive files on my computer?
At the bottom right (Windows) or top right (Mac), click Drive for desktop Open Google Drive. When you install Drive for desktop on your computer, it creates a drive in My Computer or a location in Finder named Google Drive File Stream. All of your Drive files appear here.
Our answer was they would rather you sync your drive with your PC, i, and tunes style. Microsoft does something similar with their One, and drive. When using Chrome, in Windows 10, if I download something from Google Drive, the downloaded item appears in the bar at the bottom of the browser window, with a downward pointing arrow just to the right of the file name.
1.1 Install Drive for desktop. 1 On your computer, go to Use Drive for desktop with work or school and follow the installation instructions to download and install Drive for desktop. 2 At the bottom right (Windows) or top right (Mac), click Drive for desktop Open Google Drive.
On your computer, go to Use Drive for desktop with work or school and follow the installation instructions to download and install Drive for desktop. At the bottom right (Windows) or top right (Mac), click Drive for desktop Open Google Drive.
Where do the Downloads go?
In my case, the downloads go to the default Download folder (which, in my case, is in a data partition). Can u tell me where is google folder please? Normally it would be C:\Users\youruserid\Google Drive, but you can place the Google Drive folder wherever you want.