Googles servers themselves are very secure, the web forms are also very secure. I would be much more worried about the schools information security, irrespective of how it is collected. The following are the questions you should be asking the school.
Another frequent query is “How secure is the data taken from Google Forms?”.
One article stated that the data is as secure as most other systems which take survey data and store it. Anything that you would normally store encrypted should NOT be collected using a Google Form. This would include passwords, social security numbers, credit card numbers, medical data, etc.
The Google Forms environment is very secure against hackers and other data penetrations. However, the information people enter into forms you create will be added to Google’s massive database about people, and used to further refine their categorization for advertisers. To put it simply, Google Forms is safe from everyone except Google.
How to Hack Google Form Answers Easily There are several types of answers available, and other people can hack google forms on this android with a trick that is quite easy for us to do. That is by re-opening the google form answer key. Many agencies have used the services provided by online king google to fill out and provide forms.
Now there can be a scenario where you may want to password-protect your Google Forms and restrict access to certain users who have been provided the password. This feature is obviously not available in Google Forms but we can use a simple workaround that will prevent users from entering data into that form if they do not know the password.
Is it possible to hack Google Forms on Android?
There are several types of answers available, and other people can hack google forms on this android with a trick that is quite easy for us to do.
You could be wondering “Are Google Forms responses stored in a worksheet?”
Yes, Google Forms responses are stored in a worksheet that can only be accessed through a Google account login. The transmission of data uses SSL to encrypt the data during transport (but not in storage!) The data is as secure as most other systems which take survey data and store it.
How to protect your naked Google form?
Password protection First of all, we assume you published a naked google form on social medias or embedded in your own site. Anyone can discover the form link and submit answers without any restrictions. The old school password strategy is easy to understand.
How do you protect your quiz in Google Forms?
“Passsword” protect your quiz in Google Forms If you teach several classes during the day, you may re-use the same quiz for those classes. But what do you do when students in your 1st period class share the link to the quiz with students in your 8th period class?
How to password protect Google Docs?
In the File function and choose the downloaded Google Doc that requires a password. To add a password to the document, you should first access the encryption options. Go to “Protect” tab.
What do I do if my Google account or Gmail has been hacked?
If you think your Google Account or Gmail have been hacked, follow the steps below to help spot suspicious activity, get back into your account, and make it more secure. Go to the account recovery page, and answer the questions as best you can. These tips can help. Use the account recovery page if:.