Can google sheets replace excel?

You might want to not just edit your file in Google Sheets, but also save it in the Google Sheets format instead of the Excel format. If that is the case, make sure your file is already open in Google sheets, select Save as Google Sheets from the File menu.

Can you convert Excel to Google Sheets automatically?

Because Sheets is cloud-based, it also means that its documents’ formulas constantly pull data from websites . There isn’t a program available to automate the process.

Google has been adding features and functions to Sheets since the app’s launch, so the once-large gap between Sheets and Excel’s capabilities has narrowed greatly. Here are some reasons that users move away from Excel: Sheets is free and therefore easy to try. Sheets automatically saves documents.

Can google sheets do vba?

Google Sheets cannot use VBA, Visual Basic for Applications. Google Sheets uses Google Apps Script which is based on Javascript 1.6 with some additional features of 1.7, 1.8 and some of the ECMAS 5 API. What is VBA in Excel used for? Visual Basic for Applications or VBA is used by developers to extend the functionality and user interfaces of Excel and other legacy Microsoft Office Suite Applications.

While Visual Basic for Applications reached its end of life way back in 2008, many legacy applications and spreadsheets still employ VBA to this day as the glue that holds integrations and user interfaces together. What is VBA in Excel used for?

Google Sheets uses Google Apps Script which is based on Javascript 1.6 with some additional features of 1.7, 1.8 and some of the ECMAS 5 API. What is VBA in Excel used for? Visual Basic for Applications or VBA is used by developers to extend the functionality and user interfaces of Excel and other legacy Microsoft Office Suite Applications.

How do I import data from Google Sheets to VB?

Use the Google Spreadsheets API to move the data into your online spreadsheet. Both Google APIs are REST APIs, so you’ll have to use Http. Request objects in VB. NET. Here is a great example of how to use them, just change the URLs so they are appropriate for Google.

Is it possible to create a spreadsheet from Google Docs?

It’s syntax is largely similar to the VBA commands, but to do the transferring to Google docs will be much easier in VB. NET. Use the Google Documents List API to create a new spreadsheet.

How to use the replace function in Google Sheets?

Formula Examples to the REPLACE Function in Google Sheets. Let’s begin with text replacing. Then you can learn how to replace part of numbers and dates. For the examples below, I am using the text in Cell A1 which is “Info Inspired Blog”. This formula replaces the text “Blog” with “Website”.

The most usefull answer is: you can replace, day, month, and year using the function Replace in Google Sheets. See the screenshot for formulas. Similar to the number, this formula preserves the date formats. But when you use this formula output in other calculations, wrap the formula with the VALUE function as above.

Drop down menu google sheets?

How to add a drop-down menu in google sheet

We will open a new Google spreadsheet
Next, we will select the cells where we want to add our drop-down list
Now we will click Data, then Data validation .

One inquiry we ran across in our research was “How to change drop-down list settings in Excel?”.

We will go to the Spreadsheet that contains our drop-down list and copy cells to a different column in the same sheet. Next, we will change the dropdown list settings for specified range by selecting cells, clicking data and then data validation to change range criteria for the new column created.

How to use drop-down lists in Google Sheets?

We use drop-down lists in the Google sheet to enter data from a predefined list of items. In this tutorial, we will explore the ways to create or modify a drop-down menu using an Excel data validation list based on a named range, range of cells, list of values and a dynamic drop-down.

The following steps may help you to insert a dependent drop down list, please do as this: 1. First, you should insert the basic drop down list, please select a cell where you want to put the first drop down list, and then click Data > Data validation, see screenshot: 2.

The cells will show a drop-down list. To change the color of a cell based on the option selected, use conditional formatting. Change or delete a drop-down list Open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets. Select the cell or cells you’d like to change.