Google voice or Google voice call does not show on phone bill because of the fact that the app uses a Wi-Fi or cellular data to make calls and sending a text message. Any app that uses the internet to send messages, make voice call or video call will never show up on phone bill simply because it doesn’t use the cellular network service.
Do phone numbers dialed from Google Voice show up on your bill?
Regarding billing, Google Voice is a call-forwarding service, so your AT&T bill will show charges for calls you make with your phone even if the calls are dialed through Google Voice.
Your cell phone bill will include Google Voice numbers, if you dial them. If you call your GV number to initiate calls, then your Google Voice number will appear on your cell phone. If you call Beth’s Google number directly, it will appear on your cell phone bill. Same as happened before, only now you have another number to call.
This of course begs the question “Why do phone calls show up on my bill?”
Phone calls – it depends what device you use and how it is set up. If you use smartphone and it is set up to “prefer mobile data or wifi) it may show as data used in VZ bill. In case data connection is bad, it may use your carrier.
Do GV calls show up on the bill?
@confuseduser123 Yes, unfortunately, if I’m reading your description correctly (about those calls going over the “carrier option”), these 3 will show up, on the bill. As long as you’re making “pure GV calls”, those will be data-only.
Some believe that in this case VZ will show that you called a Google Voice network access number only and number of minutes you talked, but the phone number you really called is not visible to VZ. For incoming calls, again if data connection is bad, it will show that your cell received a call from your GV#, but VZ wouldn’t know who really called you.
Does Google Voice use minutes on AT&T?
If you place a domestic call through Google Voice, your phone’s call log will display the direct access number Google Voice used to connect you with your desired party and the call will use the standard minutes as dictated by your AT&T cell phone plan.