If you’re on a Windows computer, try clicking the start button or hitting the windows key and type ” gotomeeting” ; if/once it comes up, click the application to launch it and see if you can join your meeting. If you’re on a Mac, try going to your Applications folder in Finder and running Go, to Meeting from there.
Sometimes a stuck process, application install issue, or driver conflict can prevent the Go. To desktop app desktop app from launching properly. If you need to join a meeting immediately, review your options. If you have time to troubleshoot, see Why isn’t the download working?.
, go, to Meeting is a unique solution for businesses that have expanded video and web conferencing tools. It serves as an alternative to some popular and widely used apps like Skype, Hangouts, and Facetime.
When using Chrome and Gmail – meetings, I click on a scheduled Goto meeting link and it opens the “Redirecting” tab with the page ” Allow Go. To. Meeting to launch ..”. “Click Launch Application if prompted by your browser. If Go. To. Meeting does not launch, please try again or download & run Go. To. Meeting .”.
Moreover, what are the features of GoToMeeting?
Standard features like password protection and meeting locks ensure meeting hosts can hold secure video conferences. Beyond every day classes, Go, to Meeting is perfect for parent-teacher conferences and student-to-student group work .
Available for both i. OS and Android. Get help in our support center. Professional online meetings that are fast, easy, and designed to power productivity. You’ll need an account to use Go, to, and meeting. Don’t have one?
During the meeting, being host or organizer, you can control your meeting like Mute or Unmute all attendees, Share your device screen, Dismiss attendees, Chat, and more. Do you need the Go, to Meeting app to join a meeting?
Why can’t I hear GoToMeeting on my computer?
You can check if the wrong audio output is selected by going into your computer’s audio settings and seeing if the right speakers are selected. If not, select the correct output, and save your settings. The “wrong audio mode” scenario is an issue with the Go, to, and meeting app.
The “wrong audio mode” scenario is an issue with the Go, to, and meeting app. In this scenario, you’re unable to hear anything because your Go, to Meeting audio settings for that meeting are set to the wrong audio mode. If you want to use your computer’s setup (microphone and speakers), your audio mode needs to be set to Computer Mode.
How do I open a GoToMeeting meeting?
“Click Launch Application if prompted by your browser. If Go. To. Meeting does not launch, please try again or download & run Go. To. Meeting .” and it should now open the meeting automatically but it doesn’t.
Why choose GoToMeeting for online meetings?
, go, to Meeting’s online meeting software comes fully loaded with features so your business can deliver the best web conferencing experience. Virtual meetings adapt to varying LTE and network conditions to maintain call quality and are free for students to join via desktop or mobile applications.