How can I access my icloud email account?

Alternatively, you can go to www., and icloud. Com and click the “Mail” option. If you don’t see the Mail option here, it means that you haven’t set up an i. Cloud email address with your Apple ID. To do this, you’ll have to set up i. Cloud on your i, phone, i Pad, or Mac. And that’s it. You will now see your i. Cloud Mail inbox on the web.

This of course begs the inquiry “How do I access my iCloud emails?”

Open any web browser you use or have and go to the official website of i. Cloud where you have to put your Apple ID or i. Cloud email or password. After you have logged in, click the mail icon that you can see on the screen. This will load the i. Cloud emails that provide you the access to the drafts, archives, inbox, outbox, and trash and other folders.

Yet another query we ran across in our research was “Where is my icloud email account?”.

One way to think about this is How to Make an @icloud. Com Address your Default Sending and Receiving Address

Go to Settings > i, and cloud., under i Cloud Account Information, tap your email address. Tap the @icloud. Com email address that you want to use as the default for sending mail from i, and cloud mail.

Acknowledgements Read email in Mail on i, and cloud. Com You can view mail sent to your @icloud. Com email address and any aliases in Mail on i, and cloud., and com. If you have i. Cloud+, you can also view mail sent to your custom email domainaddresses.

How to Change My Email Address on i. Cloud Mail 1 Go to Settings > i, and cloud. 3 Under i. Cloud Account Information, tap your email address. Com email address that you want to use as the default for sending mail from i, and cloud mail.

How do I sign in to my iCloud account?

Sign in to i, and cloud. Com Go to i, and cloud. Com, then sign in with your Apple ID. If you’re already signed in to your device with your Apple ID and your device has Touch ID or Face ID, you can use it to sign in to i, and cloud., and com.

You can reply to emails or compose new emails as well (both of which will open in new windows). As you’re using i. Cloud Mail in a browser, we recommend that you sign out once you’re done. To do this, click the Name button from the top-right corner and select the “Sign Out” option., i Cloud Mail will ask you whether you want to trust this browser.

Is iCloud Mail linked to my Apple ID?

, i Cloud Mail is linked to your Apple ID, but only if your email ID ends with “@icloud., and com”. If you’re using a third-party email like Gmail with your Apple ID, you’ll have to create a different i. Cloud email address, which will then be linked to your Apple ID.