How do I delete a campaign in mailchimp?

Click the checkbox that appears to the left of the email campaign name. Click the ‘ Delete’ button that appears. Mailchimp will show “Type DELETE to confirm”; type ‘ DELETE’ the click the ‘ Delete’ button. Your campaign has now been deleted from Mailchimp.

Hover your computer mouse over the name of the email campaign that you want to delete. Click the checkbox that appears to the left of the email campaign name. Click the ‘ Delete’ button that appears. Mailchimp will show “Type DELETE to confirm”; type ‘ DELETE’ the click the ‘ Delete’ button. Your campaign has now been deleted from Mailchimp.

One of the next things we asked ourselves was how do I Find my sent campaigns in Mailchimp?

In Mailchimp you want to get to your list of sent campaigns, email campaigns. So what you do is you click ‘campaigns’ to the left hand side of the screen and you’ll then notice all your campaigns. If you want to you could click ’emails’ to just see your email campaigns.

The next thing we asked ourselves was, can I rename sent campaigns in Mailchimp?

While it won’t change what your subscribers see, you can rename sent campaigns in your Mailchimp account. Have a question? Paid users can log in to access email and chat support.

How do I delete a campaign?

Delete a campaign 1 Click the Campaigns icon.. 3 Check the box next to any campaign that you want to delete. 4 Click the Delete button. 5 In the Are you Sure? Pop-up modal, type DELETE in all caps and click Delete.

When I was researching we ran into the inquiry “How do I delete a folder in campaigns?”.

One common answer is, click the Campaigns icon. Click All campaigns. Place your cursor over the folder you want to delete, and click the X icon. Click Delete Folder, But Keep Campaigns to remove the folder. The folder’s campaigns will still be stored in your account.

How does deleting a contact work in Mailchimp?

How it works . When you delete a contact, you permanently remove all of their personal information from your audience, and we anonymize their data in your reports. You won’t be able to add them back to your audience, but they can still join your audience through a Mailchimp signup form.

You may be thinking “How do I edit a content block in Mailchimp?”

On the Design step, click to edit the content block you want to work with. Highlight the text in the content block, and click Clear Styles. If your layout looks good, add new styles to your text with Mailchimp’s editing tools.