How do I delete gotomeeting?

Choose the Go, to, and meeting application. All its useless service files and folders will be selected automatically. Click on the Remove button. Review the items you want to delete, and confirm removal by clicking on the Remove button. Empty the Trash bin to complete the Go, to Meeting uninstalling process.

, goto Meeting is an online meeting, desktop sharing, and video conferencing software package that enables the user to meet with other computer users, customers, clients, or colleagues via the Internet in real-time. Can I transcribe a Go, to, and meeting meeting?

Why do I see GoToMeeting suite on GoToWebinar?

, note: go, to Webinar is built off the Go, to Meeting desktop app. If you see ever see the Go, to Meeting Suite or Go, to Meeting experience, that is normal. Most security programs allow you to configure access to specific programs in their firewall settings.

A frequent inquiry we ran across in our research was “Can I use GoToMeeting on a Mac?”.

You should take into consideration that the Go, to Meeting application has the support files and folders on your Mac, like any other app usually does. These files are created automatically when you use the application.

What happens when I cancel my GoToMeeting subscription plan?

Your subscription will reflect a “Pending Cancellation” status until that time, meaning that you can reactivate the cancelled account without any interruption to the service. When you cancel your subscription plan, the following changes will occur on your account: You keep the Go, to Meeting Free plan.

, the go, to Meeting Free plan will remain active, so you can choose to switch all of your organizers to this plan using the Log, me In Admin Center. If you do not switch them they will be able to still sign in and view their meetings, but won’t be able to start them until you provision them with a license with the Go, to Meeting Free product assigned.

How do I configure the firewall to allow GoToMeeting?

To configure the firewall to allow Go, to Meeting, look in the program rules for g2mcomm. Exe and set it to “Allow” or “Full Access”. The method for doing this will vary depending on both your operating system and the firewall software that you are using (e. g, the built-in Windows Firewall vs. a third-party application like McAfee or Norton).

, go, to Meeting will use one of the following 3 ports: 80, 443 or 8200, which ever is successful first. You can review our firewall documentation here. Windows users also have the option of running our Connection Wizard.

The following must be admitted via 1 of 3 ports: 80, 443 or 8200. One-way TCP connectivity is required (TCP outbound). If you’re using a firewall in a corporate environment that uses a network domain, you may have a hardware firewall. Instruct your IT department to read through the Optimal Firewall Configuration to allow Go, to Webinar to connect.

Another thing we asked ourselves was; what ports are required for GoTo products to work?

Allow access through the following ports on your Firewall for Go. To products, see our help topic, Adding new Smoothwall Firewall rules: Additionally, Go, to, my, pc, go ToAssist and Go, to Webinar require TCP & UDP Port 8200 / 1853 and TCP Port 5060.

Can gotomeeting transcribe?

, go, to Meeting now has the ability to automatically transcribe your recorded meeting and provide you with a simple link to share with attendees so they can view the interactive recording, search for keywords, and more! This feature allows you to focus on your meeting, while Go, to Meeting focuses on the note-taking.

Our automatic transcription software can transcribe your Go, to Meeting meeting in just a few minutes (depending on the length of your file). If you select our human service, your transcript will be ready within 24 hours.