Can I delete a turbotax account?

Once a Turbo. Tax account is created, it cannot be deleted . You can simply abandon it. If you’d like to clear any data that you may have entered into the program, you can use the “Clear and Start Over” feature.

, turbo Tax accounts cannot be deleted. You can clear any tax data you entered on the 2017 tax return by clicking on Tax Toolsand then Clear & Start Overwith the 2017 return accessed. You can remove or change information in your Turbo. Tax account by clicking Intuit Accountat the top of the online program screen after signing onto the account.

How can deactivate or remove my turbo tax account., turbo Tax accounts cannot be deleted . You can clear any tax data you entered on the 2017 tax return by clicking on Tax Tools and then Clear & Start Over with the 2017 return accessed.

The next thing we wondered was, how do I Delete my data from TurboTax/Intuit?

If you want to have your data deleted from Turbo. Tax/Intuit go to: accounts., and intuit. Com, scroll down to Data & Privacy, to “Delete your intuit data” and press continue for steps of this process. Sign into your email account and view the message you receive from Turbo, and tax. Scroll to the bottom of the email, and click on the link “Manage Preferences”.

If you haven’t already done so, sign in to your Turbo. Tax account and select the Take me to my return button. On the welcome back screen, in the left-side menu, select Tax Tools, and then Clear & Start Over ( select the menu icon in the upper-left corner if you don’t see this menu).

How do I sign up for TurboTax advantage?

Sign in to Turbo, and tax advantage . , select turbo Tax Advantage on the right side of your screen. If you only see Sign up now, your subscription is already canceled or you’re in the wrong account. Use our Account Recovery tool to get a list of all your Turbo. Tax accounts, then sign in under the right account.

How do I clear my tax data from my 2017 return?

You can clear any tax data you entered on the 2017 tax return by clicking on Tax Tools and then Clear & Start Over with the 2017 return accessed. You can remove or change information in your Turbo. Tax account by clicking Intuit Account at the top of the online program screen after signing onto the account.