Here are some common reasons you might be seeing dotted lines on your Excel worksheet: It may be because areas of your sheet were selected as ‘ Print Areas ’ It may be signaling a page break or you may be in page break view.
Why is there a dotted line on my spreadsheet?
Strange dotted lines might also be due to a page break. When you’ve formatted your spreadsheet for print, page breaks are shown as lines. In newer versions of Excel, the manually-added page breaks are presented as solid lines, whereas automatic page breaks are displayed as dotted lines .
One of the next things we wanted the answer to was, why does my Excel spreadsheet have a dotted line instead of text?
Due to Page breaks where Excel visually show page breaks as dotted lines Borders that have been set to show as dotted lines Gridlines that appear in the whole worksheet.
Another reason for the dotted lines may be the presence of page breaks. A page break is a dotted line that defines where one page ends and the next one starts. Quite possibly you might have tried to print something earlier, which caused these dotted lines to demarcate page breaks in your sheet.
Why are there dots around my cells in my sheet?
It may be because areas of your sheet were selected as ‘ Print Areas ’ It may be signaling a page break or you may be in page break view. Someone might have put dotted borders around cells in your sheet.
How do I remove the dotted lines between pages in Excel?
To remove these dotted lines, select a cell in a row that immediately follows the primary page break. Go to the Page Layout tab at the top and navigate to Breaks in the Page Setup section. Click here and select Remove Page Break.
Another thing we wondered was; how to stop the page break dotted line in Excel?
I learned in the Excel Options dialog box that opens, click on the Advanced option in the left pane Scroll down to the section – “Display options for this worksheet” The above steps would stop showing the page break dotted line for the workbook.
Also, why don’t the dotted lines show up on the page break?
In case you have set the print area in the worksheet, the dotted lines will not be shown. Instead, you will see solid lined outlining the print area. In some cases (not as common as page break though), people may use dotted lines as the border.
What do the lines around cells mean in Excel?
These are the faint lines that show the borders around individual cells or within merged cells. These might not be displayed as dotted lines in the newer versions of Microsoft Excel, but they still might be annoying. Unlike borders, which are customizable for any cell, these lines affect the entire spreadsheet.