, i Tunes may create duplicates if the same content is repeatedly added from outside the media folder when it is set to make copies of anything that is added to the library, or is added from an external drive that hosts the media folder that was offline when i. Tunes was launched., and tt2.
Another thing we wanted the answer to was why am I seeing duplicate songs in my iTunes library?
If I understand your issue, the reason you are seeing duplicates is because you chose the “Merge” option instead of “Replace” when you synced your i. Tunes library to your i, and phone. The songs that you are seeing with the i. Cloud symbol are songs that you have purchased from the i, and tunes store.
If the song is used in multiple playlists, the song is duplicated many times. If you use itunes duplicate removal method (view, show duplicates, select all, delete), the imported playlists are broken. This is a real pain for those of us who use complicated play lists when we upgrade computers.
This begs the inquiry “How do I delete duplicate songs from my iPhone?”
Go to your i, phone settings—general—i Phone storage—music— tap on edit all songs—delete all songs— go to itunes click on your iphone symbol—–click on sync. And it worked like a charm. No more duplicates .
How do I find duplicates on my iTunes library?
Show Duplicate Items in i, and tunes. Open up i. Tunes from the Dock or your applications folder. From the File menu in the top menu bar, hover over “Library” and select “Show Duplicate Items” from the dropdown. This will display a list of items that share the same name and artist, so two songs with the same name by different people won’t show up here.
How do I find songs with the same name in iTunes?
From the File menu in the top menu bar, hover over “Library” and select “Show Duplicate Items” from the dropdown. This will display a list of items that share the same name and artist, so two songs with the same name by different people won’t show up here.
If you’d like to know whether you’ve downloaded something twice, it’s easy to tell in i, and tunes. Show Duplicate Items in i. Tunes Open up i. Tunes from the Dock or your applications folder. From the File menu in the top menu bar, hover over “Library” and select “Show Duplicate Items” from the dropdown.
Why does itunes only play one song at a time?
It seems like i. Tunes only plays one song at a time instead of automatically going to the next song. This can happen if the selection checkboxes next to the songs in your i. Tunes library become unchecked.
One source proposed if you have multiple entries in i. Tunes connected to the same file on the hard drive then don’t send to the trash. These are exact duplicates, not songs on different albums, not MP3 versions, not imported from a CD, not Apple Music., and exact duplicates.
Some think that you can play each one when you want to play it without having to search for the next song and without having to be at the computer to stop the playing after each song. Create the playlist. Uncheck all of the check boxes in the playlist (In i. Tunes for Windows, ctrl click one of the check marks to uncheck all of the checkboxes at once).
Why doesn’t iTunes move to the next song by default?
, i Tunes doesn’t move to the next song by default, it moves to the next checked song. If all are unchecked, that’s your issue. To recheck, in ‘Songs’ mode, select the top one, scroll to the bottom, shift/click the last one.
As Tetsujin mentioned in his answer, i. Tunes only plays songs that are checked. However, this is only partially correct. When you are viewing your songs from the Songs view, which is just one long list of all the songs in your library, then this is correct.
How to stop songs from playing automatically in an iTunes playlist?
This tip relies on the checkbox for each song in i, and tunes. For a song in a playlist to play automatically, the checkbox must be checked. To keep a song from playing in a playlist, simply uncheck it. Therefore, to keep all songs from playing automatically in a playlist, simply uncheck them all.
Why is my download taking up so much space on iTunes?
Also note that if you do in fact have the song downloaded twice, keeping the files will take up twice as much space. I would check the i. Tunes folder to see if the songs have been downloaded twice, or if they just appear in i, and tunes twice.