Should I get an apple card?

To answer the overarching question: yes, it’s worth applying for the Apple Card to earn 3% back on the newest i, and phone. You should apply for the Apple card if you fully intend on sticking with Apple phones for the next few years and can afford the credit inquiry that an application will cause.

Our answer is that Don’t get the Apple Card just because it’s Apple. You may want to look at getting a card through your local bank with a low credit limit and see if you can negotiate a better rate. The interest rate is only applicable if you are late on your payments.

Although Apple does request your credit card information when you create an Apple ID or try to download a free app, it’s not actually a requirement. If you don’t yet have an Apple ID for downloading apps, you can create one without a credit card. If you already have an Apple ID, you can remove your credit card information.

This of course begs the query “Do I need a credit card to buy an iPad 2?”

, i Pad 2, i. OS 7.0.2 Not without creating a new Apple ID that doesn’t require a credit card. There is a very specific way that you have to create an Apple ID if you do not want to use a credit card. Unfortunately, Apple does not make this very clear at all to new i. OS device or i, and tunes users.

What can I do with my Apple Card?

You can set it as the default card and use it for in store purchases on ‌i. Phone‌ and online purchases on Apple Watch, ‌i, phone‌, i Pad, and Mac. If you need to pay for purchases that can’t be made with ‌Apple Pay‌, you can use the physical version of the Apple Card that Apple sends once you sign up.

What is the Apple Card?

In short, it’s a credit card designed for use with Apple Pay, the tech giant’s mobile wallet platform that allows you to save debit and credit card information for use without the physical cards (where Apple Pay is accepted). To sweeten the deal: Apple Card offers a rewards program and little to no fees.

Does apple card require an iphone?

To get an Apple Card, you need to be 18 years or older and be a U. Citizen or a lawful U. Resident with a U. Residential address (no P. O. Box)., an i Phone running i. OS 12.4 or later is required to use the Apple Card, and it will not be available if you do not have an ‌i, and phone‌.

The second way, available to all of the i. Phones currently sold by Apple, is using your Apple Card to make monthly payments (a zero-percent interest loan), which is exclusive to those that have an Apple Card.

Can I apply for the Apple Card as a college student?

Honestly as a student with minimal income you most likely will end up with their highest interest rate of 23.99%. Don’t get the Apple Card just because it’s Apple. You may want to look at getting a card through your local bank with a low credit limit and see if you can negotiate a better rate.

You may be thinking “Why can’t I get approved for the Apple Card?”

You have a high number of recent applications for credit. Goldman Sachs uses Trans. Union and other credit bureaus to evaluate your Apple Card application. If your credit score is low (for example, if your FICO9 score is lower than 600), 4 Goldman Sachs might not be able to approve your Apple Card application.