Should I get itunes from apple or microsoft?

Since April 2018, Apple made i. Tunes available to Windows 10 users through the Microsoft Store. While the stand-alone download remains available from Apple’s Web site, it is no longer offered by default to Windows 10 users. Instead, visitors are directed to Microsoft Store, which will handle the installation and updates of the i, and tunes app.

The Store App is the Same i, and tunes. The version of i. Tunes in the Microsoft Store isn’t some sort of “stripped down” universal app. This is the same i. Tunes desktop application you know and (probably don’t) love.

While I was reading we ran into the query “What are the benefits of the Microsoft Store version of iTunes?”.

One article argued that below are just a few benefits of the Microsoft Store version of i. Tunes over the stand-alone edition. Through the Microsoft Store, Windows 10 users can easily push i. Tunes to all computers on their Microsoft account.

You could be asking “What is the difference between iTunes on Windows and iTunes desktop?”

The answer is that well, you really shouldn’t find too much difference between the Windows Store and the desktop versions of i, and tunes. The former requires a 216MB download, while the latter weighs in a tad higher at 250MB. Just the download size.

Should I download itunes from windows store?

Apparently, the Microsoft Store offers enough benefits to make the switch (and the expense of supporting two different i. Tunes editions) worth it. Historically, Windows users could download and install almost anything from just about any Web site.

You can then open the Microsoft Store app on your system, search for i. Tunes, and install it right from the Store. The Microsoft Store app is only available on Windows 10, which means that Windows 7 users can’t install it. If you want i. Tunes on Windows 7, you’ll have to get it from Apple’s website.

If you’ve already got the desktop version of i. Tunes installed on your PC, then getting the Store version installed is super-easy. And it’s not just about how convenient installing a Store app is either. Fully migrates your data from the desktop version automatically.