How can I get a new icloud email address?

Open the “Settings” app and go to your Apple ID (or “i. Cloud”)
Locate the switch for “Mail” and toggle it ON position – this will be OFF if you do not yet have an i, and cloud. Com email address
Enter the email address to create “ name@icloud. Com” and choose “OK” and confirm that you want to make the new i. Cloud email address
Go to the Mail app to find the new i. Cloud address setup and a confirmation email from Apple.

How do I get an iCloud email address?

You will already have an i. Cloud email address if you have signed up for an Apple ID, take a look at My Apple ID To streamline my i. Cloud account access so only that email is associated with i. Cloud & its services. You can enter either of the addresses (your Apple ID or your i. Cloud address) to access any of Apples services.

1 Tap Forgot password or don’t have an Apple ID. 2 Tap Create a Free Apple ID. 3 Select your birthday and enter your name. 4 Tap Use your current email address, or tap Get a free i. Cloud email address.

While we were writing we ran into the query “Can I create a new email address for my iCloud account?”.

Some authors claimed if you created an Apple ID based on your own unique email address and use that for logging in to i. Cloud and other Apple services, you may have missed the part where you can create a new separate @icloud. Com email address.

Create a primary i. Cloud Mail address on your Mac On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Apple ID, then click i, and cloud. Select Mail, then follow the onscreen instructions to create an i. Cloud Mail address.

How do I send and receive email from iCloud?

, i, and cloud. Com: Click CC/Bcc From, then choose your @icloud. Com address from the From menu. Then complete your email and send it. To make your @icloud. Com address the default for sending and receiving email from i. Cloud, follow the steps below for each of your devices. If you’re using i. OS 10.3 or later: Go to Settings > Mail.

What is my icloud email address?

, i Cloud is not the only place on your i. OS device where you can find your i. Cloud email address. Your email address is actually used at multiple locations on your device. For example, you can open App Store > Click your avatar on the top-right corner and you will see your Apple ID email.

If you only have an @icloud. Com address and don’t have any i. Cloud email aliases, it appears in the Cc/Bcc, From field on your i. OS device or the From field on your Mac and i, and cloud., and com.

One of the next things we asked ourselves was, why do I need an iCloud email address?

I want to get an i. Cloud email address (@icloud. com) for several reasons, among them: To streamline my i. Cloud account access so only that email is associated with i. Cloud & its services. To provide email between Apple (e. g. Apple Support) and myself Currently, I am using the same Yahoo email address for both i. Cloud and i, and tunes.

, i Cloud Mail is linked to your Apple ID, but only if your email ID ends with “@icloud., and com”. If you’re using a third-party email like Gmail with your Apple ID, you’ll have to create a different i. Cloud email address, which will then be linked to your Apple ID.

How do I create an email address for my Apple ID?

Once your Apple ID has been created, on the device go to Settings > i. Cloud and flip the mail switch on, you will be prompted there to create your @icloud. Com email address. Alternatively, you can go to setting and go to mail.

When you create an Apple ID, you enter an email address. This email address is your Apple ID and the username that you use to sign in to Apple services like i. Tunes and i, and cloud. It’s also the contact email address for your account.

How do I create an iCloud account without an Apple ID?

2 Tap Create a Free Apple ID. 3 Select your birthday and enter your name. 4 Tap “Use your current email address”, or tap “Get a free i. Cloud email address.” 5 When prompted, follow the onscreen steps to verify your email address and set up two-factor authentication.

Can I access iCloud Mail from a web browser?

, an i Cloud account that comes with an Apple device grants you access to a unique email address. While you might be used to using this email account in the Mail app on your i, phone, i Pad, or Mac, you can actually access i. Cloud Mail from any web browser (including Chrome and Microsoft Edge).