How do I get my old tax returns from turbotax?

Click on My Turbo. Tax (click on My Tax Timeline in the drop down menu) Scroll down where is says “ Prior Year Return (s)” click on Load My Tax Timeline. On the Tax Timeline screen, click the tax year you need. On the right side, select Download/print return (PDF) (if you just need a printout).

You can access returns for the past seven years. Sign in to your Turbo, and tax account. Make sure you’re using the same Turbo. Tax account (same user ID) as in prior years If the year you’re looking for isn’t there, it might be in a different account. Go here to find all of your accounts.

After the screen has loaded, select the Tax Tools drop-down menu in the left menu and then select Tools. In the pop-up window, select the Transfer last year’s Turbo. Tax return from your computer link. (If you don’t see this option, you may need to clear and start over .) Follow the instructions to finish transferring your file.

Of course, the IRS has copies of your tax returns as well, so you can reach out to the agency if your computer or tablet has since crashed or you can’t retrieve your return from Turbo. Tax online for some reason. Unfortunately, you’ll have to pay for it, and you’ll have to wait a while to get your hands on it.

Use the ” Transfer” option from the Turbo. Tax “File” pull-down menu to transfer the old return, so that its data is accessible from your current return.

Here’s how to obtain copies of a prior year return(s) you filed in Turbo. Tax Online: Sign into your Turbo. Tax account (if not already) Click on My Turbo. Tax (click on My Tax Timeline in the drop down menu); Scroll down where is says “Prior Year Return(s)” click on Load My Tax Timeline; On the Tax Timeline screen, click the tax year you need; On the right side, select Download/print return (PDF.

How do I find my previous tax year on TurboTax?

Sign into your Turbo. Tax account (if not already) Click on My Turbo. Tax (click on My Tax Timeline in the drop down menu) Scroll down where is says “Prior Year Return (s)” click on Load My Tax Timeline On the Tax Timeline screen, click the tax year you need.

How do I view and download my previous tax returns?

If you used Turbo. Tax to file your previous tax returns, here’s how to view and download your prior-year returns. You can access returns for the past seven years. Sign in to your Turbo, and tax account. Make sure you’re using the same Turbo. Tax account (same user ID) as in prior years.

How do I download a copy of my previous year’s taxes?

1 Sign into your Turbo. Tax account (if not already) 2 Click on My Turbo. Tax (click on My Tax Timeline in the drop down menu) 3 Scroll down where is says “Prior Year Return (s)” click on Load My Tax Timeline 4 On the Tax Timeline screen, click the tax year you need 5 On the right side, select Download/print return (PDF) (if you just need a printout).

You can access your prior year returns using the Documents tab in the navigation. When you sign in, make sure you’re using the same Turbo. Tax account (with the same username) as in prior years. Select Documents from the navigation when it appears.

How do I open a return in TurboTax?

On the Welcome back step, select Continue next to the return you want to view to open the return. You need to have Turbo. Tax installed on your computer for the tax year of the file you want to view. You also need to locate the file you want to open.

Where are my TurboTax CD/download returns stored?

Tax returns prepared in the Turbo. Tax CD/Download software are stored locallyon your computer or storage device, even if you e-filed., unlike turbo Tax Online, we don’t maintain returns prepared in the Turbo. Tax CD/Download software on our secure servers. To locate your return:.

How do I use the tools in TurboTax online?

Sign in to Turbo. Tax Online and start a new return, or open or continue a return you already started. After the screen has loaded, select the Tax Tools drop-down menu in the left menu and then select Tools.