What can I do if I forgot my icloud password?

1 Go to Apple ID account page ( appleid. apple. com) > Forgot Apple ID or password. 2 Enter i. Cloud email address and this time, choose “Answer security quetions”. 3 Enter the date of your birth and click Continue > Answer the security question. 4 After you have finished all the questions, you can enter a new password to change i, and cloud password.

If you forgot Apple ID (i. Cloud Password) but on the device you’ve logged into the account, it’s best to reset passcode by official channels, like Two-factor authentication, Email, and Two-step verification. And you can find the steps in Support Apple about what to do if you forgot your Apple ID.

This is what our research found. if you forgot your Apple ID password. If you have issues when you try to sign in with your Apple ID password, use these steps to reset it and regain access to your account. Your Apple ID is the account that you use for everything you do with Apple, like when you shop the i. Tunes Store, sign in to i. Cloud, buy an app, and more.

What if I forgot my iTunes/App store password?

In most cases, the Apple ID and password used on i. Cloud will be the same as that you use to download apps, music, movies from i. Tunes, App Store. So if you can remember your i. Tunes/App Store password, try to log in i. Cloud with the password. If you forgot password for i. Cloud, Apple ID, i. Tunes, App Store,.

How do I Reset my iCloud two-step verification password?

Enter the four-digit verification code and then set a new password and select Reset Password. If you have forgot i. Cloud two-step verification password, you can reset or change your password from your trusted i. Phone: Settings > i. Cloud > tap Apple ID > Password & Security to change Password.

, with mac OS Mojave, High Sierra, or Sierra: 1 Choose Apple menu  > System Preferences, then click i, and cloud. 3 If you’re asked to enter your Apple ID password, click “Forgot Apple ID or password” and follow the onscreen instructions. You can skip the final steps below.

What is iCloud account and how to reset it?

Generally speaking, your i. Cloud account is your Apple ID, which is an email address you used to log in your Apple devices. In this case, to reset i. Cloud password is to reset Apple ID password.