If you want to keep this on with certain apps backed up, I recommend disabling i. Cloud backups for the following types of apps. Just keep in mind that you can still back up certain apps on an individual basis with i. Cloud Backup turned off, only data will be backed up to your i. Tunes account, if that is where you back up to.
Make sure the backup is turned ON., i Cloud will take the backup after every 24 hours. It will take backup when you i. Phone or i. Pad will be connected to Wi-Fi and charger. For the first time backup, it may take a while, but after that, it will be fast.
Just keep in mind that you can still back up certain apps on an individual basis with i. Cloud Backup turned off, only data will be backed up to your i. Tunes account, if that is where you back up to. Large games, with long storylines that you don’t see yourself playing for more than a short period of time.
While we were researching we ran into the query “How to back up your iPhone or iPad to iCloud?”.
The best answer is, i Cloud backups are incredibly convenient to perform. All you need is your Apple ID and a Wi-Fi connection. Once you then have the i. Cloud Backup setting enabled, your i. Phone or i. Pad will seamlessly back up your data to i, and cloud.
One idea is that To access your i. Cloud settings, open the Settings app and tap “i. Cloud.” Scroll down to “Backup” and check that i. Cloud Backup is “On” to confirm you’re using it on your current device.
Does iCloud backup take up a lot of storage?
Having an i. Cloud account is great for keeping backups of your i, pad, i Phone, or i. Pod touch, and it’s also handy for freeing up much of that valuable internal storage space on your device. However, Apple only dishes out 5 GB of free i. Cloud storage with each account, and an i. Phone backup could consume the whole amount.
How can I free up more space on my iCloud backup?
You’ll fill it up fast, so you need to be judicious about what you store in an i. Cloud backup if you want the best i, and phone experience. This is especially true if you have, say, both an i. Phone and an i, and pad. One way you can free up some additional storage to use elsewhere is by manually choosing what app data gets stored, and what won’t!
How to turn off iCloud backup of saved settings?
That being said, not all apps need saved settings. If you’re not worried about losing any of this information, you can disable automatic i. Cloud backups for all apps, or you can limit which apps get backed up and which ones don’t. To disable it entirely, go to Settings -> i. Cloud -> Storage & Backup and make sure i. Cloud Backup is turned off.
Will my data stay on my iCloud account forever?
The only place you can be sure your information will “stay forever” is on an actual backup to i. Tunes on a computer, and then a backup of that to another source. If you turn off your i. Cloud backups and delete your existing i. Cloud backups, that will delete anything that is currently on your i, and cloud account., and okay thanks. One more question.