You will need an i. Tunes Store account for buying or renting movies and buying TV shows.
There are normally some hoops you can jump through as you create your i. Tunes account that workaround the need for a card, otherwise once the account is set up i. Tunes may still expect you to provide one, which you can subsequently remove. If you don’t have or want to use a credit card at this time you can try this method.
What do I need to create an iTunes Store account?
, an i Tunes Store account will need those details. Your Apple ID account is needed in at least two places: for i. Cloud and for the i. Tunes & App Store. Optionally also for Game Center and Home Sharing.
You should be thinking “Do I need an Apple ID to buy from iTunes?”
To buy items in the i. Tunes Store, you need an Apple ID. If you don’t have one, you can set one up using i, and tunes. If you’ve purchased items from the Apple website or ordered a photo book or if you have an i. Cloud account, you already have an Apple ID.
Do you need an Apple ID to use Apple TV?
You can also use i. Cloud, which connects you and all of your Apple devices to share photos and more. If you already have an Apple ID, enter it when you first set up Apple TV. If you don’t already have an Apple ID, you can create one on the Apple ID webpage. You need only one Apple ID to use Apple TV app, i, tunes, i Cloud, and Game Center services.
Another frequently asked query is “What can you do with Apple TV?”.
Apple TV app: Purchase or rent movies, buy TV episodes and seasons, and subscribe to Apple TV+ or Apple TV channels within the app. You can also access your purchases made with the same Apple ID on other devices. Music: If you’re an Apple Music subscriber, you can access millions of songs on Apple TV.
How do I change my iTunes purchase settings on Apple TV?
Open Settings on Apple TV. Go to Users and Accounts > [ account name] > Purchases, then select Always, After 15 Minutes, or Never. You can set whether Apple TV requires your Apple ID password to allow free downloads in the i. Tunes Store or App Store.