This is very easy and probably the recommended and simplest way to convert and open Apple Pages file in Word. To get started, at first, write down everything in your .pages file. Now instead of saving the same using Command+S, you need to go to File > Export to > Word. Following that, a popup menu will appear.
When you try to open an Apple Pages file in Microsoft Word, you’ll see a dialog box. Follow the step below to open a pages file on Windows. Click on OK. Another dialog box will appear, Click on Yes. Click on OK to end this process. You can view the contents of the Pages file by changing the extension of the File to “.. Zip”.
Convert and open Apple Mac Pages file in Word on Windows PC. If you use a Mac and Windows PC simultaneously, you might need to open .pages files on your Windows PC . “Pages” is an inbuilt document reader in Apple Mac OS. As .pages files are not supported on Windows, you cannot open them using Microsoft Word.
Why can’t I open an Apple Pages file on Windows?
Apple .pages are not supported on Windows so you cannot open them using Microsoft Word. So if you want to show or edit a .pages file on Windows PC, you get errors, and Windows asks you to choose an app to open the file.
How do I open a Word document in pages for iOS?
To open a file like a Microsoft Word documents in Pages for i. OS, tap the file in the document manager. If you don’t see the document manager, tap Documents (on an i. Pad) or the Back button (on an i. Phone or i. Pod touch), then tap the file that you want to open.
While researching we ran into the query “How do I convert Pages to word on an iPhone?”.
To convert Pages files into Word documents, make sure you have the Pages app downloaded on your i. Phone or i, and pad. Now, do the following: Open the Pages app. Open the document you want to convert. Tap the More button. It’s the three dots on the top right corner of your screen. Tap the Word format .
How to open a page in another app like Microsoft Word?
If you want to open a Pages document in another app like Microsoft Word, use Pages to convert the document to an appropriate format. Open the Pages document that you want to convert. Choose File > Export To, then select the format. In the window that appears, you can choose a different format or set up any additional options.
You can also open Microsoft Word documents and other file types in Pages. You can convert and open documents in Pages on i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, or Mac. If you don’t have an Apple device, you can use Pages online at i, and cloud., and com.