How do I record a gotomeeting?

Start your conference on Go, to Meeting, choose “Full version” or a customized region to record screen. After that, click “ok” to start recording the screen. During the process, you can also choose to edit the recording.

Some have found that How to record Go, to Meeting sessions with a built-in tool Locate the Organizer Control Panel and on the View panel, hit the Recording button. In the Recording window, click the Settings hyperlink. In the Settings tab, select/disable audio or video recording options as per your preferences.

How to record a GoToMeeting session?

Locate Record Meetings on the feature list, click Cloud recording. A dialog box will appear and you can check Local recording there. Click Save to apply. After this, Go, to Meeting will save the video file to your computer when you use the Go, to Meeting recording feature. Let’s see how to record a Go, to Meeting session now.

The another way to do Go, to Meeting recording on Windows or Mac is using the built-in recorder of Go, to, and meeting. For those who have the demand of Go, to Meeting recording but don’t want to download any software on computers, the default screen recording function of Go, to Meeting is quite useful. Click here to get top 10 screen recorder for Mac.

Here is what my research found. the recorded Go, to Meeting will include the audio portion of the meeting, all activities on the screen during the session, and any file sharing done by the participants. Was the article helpful?

How do I share a gotomeeting recording?

, go, to Meeting offers both Local and Cloud Recording. You can share your Cloud recordings online with a link or download the recordings and upload them to third party hosting services. ** Recording sharing is also available with Go, to Webinar and Go, to Training if needed.

During your meeting, hit the Record button at the bottom of your Control Panel (Windows) or Screen Sharing pane (Mac). After your meeting, if you are using cloud recording, find your recording online in your Meeting History, where you can get a link to share it.

On Chrome, first, you’ll need the Go, to Meeting Pro Screensharing Chrome extension first. In order to screen share: Click icon on the Phone. Select the Screen Sharing feature.

Can I record GoToMeeting as an MP4?

You don’t have the permission to directly record Go, to Meeting if you are not a meeting host. What’s more, you are only allowed to record Go, to Meeting as a G2M file with its built-in recorder. So, is there any simple way to directly save the Go, to Meeting recording as an MP4 video?

When I was researching we ran into the query “How do I convert a GoToMeeting recording to an MP4 file?”.

By default, Go, to Meeting will prompt you to convert the video file after you exit the meeting. On the dialog box, select the file and format you want, click Convert Recording, the app will transform the file into an mp4/wmv file and export it to the default folder.

How do I enable cloud recording on GoToMeeting hub?

First thing first, on Go, to Meeting Hub, click More on the lower-left corner and choose Admin Center. The Admin Center tab pops out, click on your user name to open the User Details page. Then, click Edit from the Settings module. Locate Record Meetings on the feature list, click Cloud recording.