See how much i. Cloud storage you have., tap i Cloud Storage or Manage Storage. On your Mac, go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Apple ID > i. Cloud, then click Manage. On your PC, open i. Cloud for Windows.
How do I know what is in my icloud storage?
, on i, and cloud. Com, go to Account Settings, then look at the Storage section. To see information about a segment of the bar graph, hold the pointer over the segment until its name and numeric storage size appear above the graph. You can also check your i. Cloud storage from your other devices.
When we were reading we ran into the inquiry “How do I Check My iCloud storage on my iPhone?”.
Checking your available i. Cloud storage space is easy on an i. Phone or i, and pad. First, open the Settings app. In Settings, tap your Apple account avatar or name. On your account screen, scroll down and tap “i. Cloud.” On the i. Cloud summary page, you’ll see a bar graph that depicts how much of your i. Cloud storage space is in use.
First, you should see what data you have in i. Cloud and how much space it’s taking up. To do this, navigate to Settings> Apple ID> i. Cloud> Manage Storage. The data that typically take up a lot of i. Cloud storage space are: Email messages with attachments., i, and cloud backups.
How can I See my iCloud data on my iPad?
Only a subset of the data stored in your i. Cloud account is visible on icloud., and com. You can see all the data you are syncing with i. Cloud on your i. Pad from within the apps that you are syning. For example, if you are contacts, calendars, reminders and notes with i. Cloud, you can see the data in the corresponding apps on your i, and pad.
What can I do with my iCloud storage?
You can use that space for your i. Cloud backups, to keep your photos and videos stored in i. Cloud Photos, to keep your documents up to date in i. Cloud Drive, and more. You can always check how much i. Cloud storage you’re using in Settings on your device or on i, and cloud., and com. If you’re running low, you can make more space or upgrade to i. Cloud+ any time.
When you set up i. Cloud, you automatically get 5GB of storage. You can use that space for your i. Cloud backups, to keep your photos and videos stored in i. Cloud Photos, to keep your documents up to date in i. Cloud Drive, and more. You can always check how much i. Cloud storage you’re using in Settings on your device or on i, and cloud., and com.
How to manage iCloud storage on iPhone and iPad?
, tap i Cloud Storage or Manage Storage. On your Mac, go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Apple ID > i. Cloud, then click Manage. On your PC, open i. Cloud for Windows.