How can I see my imessages on a pc?

How to View i. Phone Messages on your Computer

View i. Phone messages directly on your computer (PC/Mac) Our first method explores how you can view your i. Phone messages in a clear format on your View i. Phone messages from an i. Tunes backup (PC/Mac)
View messages, and text from your computer.

Here we recommend i, my, fone i Transor Lite i. Phone Data Exporter to you so that you can view and access i. Messages on PC. It transfers both textual and media content, such as messages, photos, videos and audio in conversations from i. Phone to computer. It allows you to preview data before transfer so that you can choose what you really need.

Some have found that fortunately, there are 3 methods that can help you view i, and messages online. One is viewing i. Messages on i. Cloud on a computer, and you can furtherly choose to restore from i. Cloud backup to your PC or Mac computer; the other is logging in your Apple ID on your Mac (including i. Mac, Mac Pro, Mac. Book) to check i, and messages online.

Then, how to view text messages and iMessages on PC?

There is a different procedure to be able to view text messages and i. Messages on a PC. Well, using an i. Phone backup extractor, this becomes easier and more convenient. Using this type of extractor, you can extract your text messages or i. Messages stored on i. Cloud backup and view them when your phone is malfunctioning.

You should have a Mac with i. Message and a Windows PC, to start off with. Next, you need to download Chrome and Chrome Remote Desktop on both of your computers. When the installation process of the application is completed, click to launch.

How to view iMessage online on PC from iCloud backup?

, view i Message Online on PC from i, and cloud backup. Select the Recover from i, and cloud mode., launch phone Rescue for i. OS on your PC or Mac computer > Launch it and select the Recover from i. Cloud mode 2 Step 2. Choose the Content to Recover from i, and cloud. Select Messages to Download to PC/Mac., view i Message for W indows.

Can I check or view iPhone messages online on PC or Mac?

, many i Message users have a similar question that whether they could check or view i. Phone messages online on PC or Mac. Officially, Apple company does not allow this to happens on non-Apple devices such as Windows, Android, or Linux devices.

How to transfer iMessages from iPhone to Windows computer?

The following is the specific procedure to transfer your i. Messages from i. OS devices, such as i, phone, i Pad and i. Pod touch running i. OS 15 to Windows computer. All you need is just several clicks. Choose the File Types You Need to Export Download and install i, my, fone i Transor Lite on your Windows computer, then launch it.

Another thing we asked ourselves was; how to view and export messages from iPhone to computer?

, touch Copy is a popular app which allows you to view and export media from i. Phone to computer. We can use this tool to easily view and search i. Phone messages, export them to computer, and even print them out! You can use Touch. Copy on a PC running Windows 10, 8 and 7, or Mac using Mac OSX 10.12 (mac. OS Sierra) or higher.

How do I Turn on iMessage on my iPhone?

Turn on Messages in i. Cloud from Settings on your i. Phone and i. Pad, or Preferences on your Mac. Go to Settings. Tap [your name]., tap i, and cloud. Turn on Messages. In the menu bar, choose Messages > Preferences., click i, and message. Select the checkbox next to Enable Messages in i, and cloud.