To view your i. Cloud Links, sign in to i, and cloud. Com on a phone or tablet. In Photos on i, and cloud. Com, do one of the following: Click Photos in the sidebar to see thumbnails of all your photos and videos. You can switch between Photos and Moments in the toolbar. If you don’t see the sidebar, click .
Only a subset of the data stored in your i. Cloud account is visible on icloud., and com. You can see all the data you are syncing with i. Cloud on your i. Pad from within the apps that you are syning. For example, if you are contacts, calendars, reminders and notes with i. Cloud, you can see the data in the corresponding apps on your i, and pad.
Also, how can I See my Documents saved in iCloud?
If you want to see documents saved in i. Cloud, open Files App and select i. Cloud Drive under locations.
It is actually simple and easy to access their data through the website and here’s how it is done: Once in there, you’ll be able to see the different data types that have been stored in your i. Cloud Click on the data that you want to view to see its contents.
Can I see all the devices using my iCloud account?
Yes, you can see all the devices using your i, and cloud. To check them out: Open i. Tunes and sign in with your “Apple ID”. Then check at the top of i. Tunes window and choose “Account” > “View My Account”. Next, enter your i. Cloud account password and click the ” View Account” option.
How to see what iCloud backup I have?
How to see what i. Cloud Backup 1 Download Fone. Dog Toolkit and Login into i, and cloud. The first step is to install Fone, dog’s i OS Data Recovery and launch it. Once it has 2 Choose the Backup Files You Want to View and Download Them.
Select the i. Cloud backup files you need to download . Click the ” Download ” option to view all i. Cloud backup files. It includes all the i. Cloud backup files, including text messages, i. Messages, call logs, photos, videos and more other files., recover i Cloud backup files.
How do I view photos on my iCloud account?
In Photos on i, and cloud. Com, do one of the following: Click Photos in the sidebar to see thumbnails of all your photos and videos. You can switch between Photos and Moments in the toolbar. If you don’t see the sidebar, click .
What is iCloud Photos and how to use it?
, with i Cloud Photos, you can browse, search, and share all the photos and videos from any of your devices., i Cloud Photos works seamlessly with the Photos app to keep your photos and videos securely stored in i. Cloud and up to date on your i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, Mac, Apple TV, and i, and cloud., and com.