What do icloud backup do?

, your i, phone, i Pad and i. Pod touch backup only include information and settings stored on your device. They do not include information already stored in i. Cloud such as Contacts, Calendars, Bookmarks, Notes, Reminders, Voice Memos 4, Messages in i, cloud, i Cloud Photos and shared photo s .

, i Cloud Backup is a feature on i, phones, i Pads and i. Pods that backs up your entire device to i. Cloud, just in case something unfortunate happens. You should definitely use i, and cloud backup. Whether it’s a toilet phone or you leave it on the roof of your car, i. Phones live dangerous lives and you should always have a backup.

, i, and cloud backup., i Cloud Backup is a feature on i, phones, i Pads and i. Pods that backs up your entire device to i. Cloud, just in case something unfortunate happens. You should definitely use i, and cloud backup. Whether it’s a toilet phone or you leave it on the roof of your car, i. Phones live dangerous lives and you should always have a backup.

One more query we ran across in our research was “What information is not included in an iCloud backup?”.

Some information is not included in an i. Cloud backup but can be added to i. Cloud and shared across multiple device, such as Mail, Health data, call history and files you store in i, and cloud drive. If you use an Apple Watch with Family Setup, your Apple Watch isn’t included in the backup of an i, phone, i Pad or i, and pod touch.

This of course begs the question “What is iCloud storage and how to manage it?”

, i Cloud storage lets you save all your photos, contacts, documents, text messages and much more sucurely and access them from any i. OS device under the same Apple ID. When you set up i. Cloud, you automatically get 5 GB of storage. To manage i. Cloud storage, first you should see what data you have there and how much space it’s taking up.

When you use Messages in i. Cloud or turn on i. Cloud Photos, your content is stored in i, and cloud automatically. That means they’re not included in your i, and cloud backup.

How to enable iCloud back up your device automatically?

To enable i. Cloud back up your device automatically, here’s what you need to do. If you disable or stop using i. Cloud Backup, your last backup is stored for 180 days. Make sure i. Cloud Backup has been turned on in Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud > i, and cloud backup. If you’re using i. OS 10.2 or earlier, go to Settings > i. Cloud > Backup.

Should you back up to iCloud instead of iTunes?

If you want to avoid the monthly fee but keep backing up to i. Cloud instead of to i. Tunes, we have a few tricks for you. Most people will hit their device storage limit due to i. Cloud Photo Library automatically backing up photos, while backups from old i. Phones and i. Pads can also consume a large amount of storage space if you never delete them.