, i Cloud backup allows you to store a copy of everything that’s precious on your i, and os devices. Photos, contacts, messages, apps, and more. With a backup in place, you can rest assured that nothing will be lost if your device is stolen, damaged, or upgraded.
Another frequently asked inquiry is “What data is included in an iCloud backup?”.
Another answer was, i Cloud backups include nearly all data and settings stored on your device. , i Cloud backups don’t include: Data that’s already stored in i. Cloud, like Contacts, Calendars, Notes, i. Cloud Photos, i. Messages, and text (SMS) and multimedia (MMS) messages*. Data stored in other cloud services, like Gmail and Exchange mail.
What is iCloud backup and how to use it?
, use i Cloud Backup so that you have a copy of the information on your i, phone, i Pad and i, and pod touch. When your device is backed up in i. Cloud, you can easily set up a new device or restore information on one you already have.
Some information is not included in an i. Cloud backup but can be added to i. Cloud and shared across multiple device, such as Mail, Health data, call history and files you store in i, and cloud drive. If you use an Apple Watch with Family Setup, your Apple Watch isn’t included in the backup of an i, phone, i Pad or i, and pod touch.
This begs the question “How long is my data stored in iCloud backup?”
If you disable or stop using i. Cloud Backup, your last backup is stored for 180 days. Make sure that i. Cloud Backup is turned on in Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud > i, and cloud backup. If you’re using i. OS 10.2 or earlier, go to Settings > i. Cloud > Backup. Connect your device to a power source.
Do I need to be at home to back up with iCloud?
You don’t need to plug your device into a computer or even be at home to back up with i, and cloud., i Cloud backups include nearly all data and settings stored on your device., i Cloud backups don’t include: Data that’s already stored in i. Cloud, like Contacts, Calendars, Notes, i. Cloud Photos, i. Messages, Voice Memos,.
Also, how do I let iCloud automatically back up my device each day?
To let i. Cloud automatically back up your device each day, here’s what you need to do : Make sure that i. Cloud Backup is turned on in Settings > [your name] > i. Cloud > i, and cloud backup. If you’re using i. OS 10.2 or earlier, go to Settings > i. Cloud > Backup.
Does iCloud backup include photos stored on iPhone?
That’s all there is to it., your i Cloud backups will no longer include the photos stored on your i, and phone. Important: Since you are no longer backing up your i. Phone’s photos to i. Cloud, if you ever lose your phone and you can’t retrieve the photos from your computer for some reason (hard drive failure, etc.) you will lose all of your stored photos.
Why are my photos not being stored in iCloud Photo Library?
If you turn ON i. Cloud Photo Library, your photos and videos are already stored in i. Cloud, so they aren’t included in your i, and cloud backup. If you backup your i. Phone to i. Cloud and also enable i. Cloud Photo Library, then your photos will not be stored twice.