, i Cloud can back up your text messages and i, and messages . Here’s what an i. Cloud backup includes: i. Message, text (SMS), and MMS messages; Photos, videos, and ringtones; Purchase history from Apple services, like your music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books;.
In a word, if you mistakenly deleted text messages after making a backup with i. Cloud, fortunately, the answer is YES, i. Cloud backed up your deleted text messages.
So, as you can see, i. Cloud do support backing up text messages on your i, and phone. Then, does i. Coud backup or save deleted text messages? The answer depends on your behavior. In a word, if you mistakenly deleted text messages after making a backup with i. Cloud, fortunately, the answer is YES, i. Cloud backed up your deleted text messages.
What happens when you delete a text message from iCloud?
When you delete a message, photo, or conversation on one device, it’s removed from all of your devices. And since all of your attachments are stored in i. Cloud, you can save space on your device. You can use Messages in i. Cloud on your i, phone, i Pad, and Mac.
Are iMessages included in iCloud backup?
Answer: According to What i. Cloud Backup Includes from Apple, i. Message, text (SMS), and MMS messages are included in i, and cloud backup. So the messages on your i. Phone, no matter they are text messages, SMS messages, MMS messages, i. Messages, all are included in the i, and cloud backup.
Another frequent inquiry is “How to save iMessages/iMessages to iCloud?”.
, therefore, i, phone, i, pad, i Pod Touch, after upgrading to i. OS 11.4, can enable Messages in i. Cloud to save SMS/i. Messages to i. Cloud, and then the messages can be viewed in all devices that are using the same Apple ID. Here is how to save i. Messages, text messages to i. Cloud on i, and os 114.
For instance, you can choose to back up i. Messages, messages to computer., fone, paw i OS Data Backup & Restore can help you back up i. Messages, SMS messages and MMS messages on i. Phone to PC or Mac.
Why are my iPhone messages not backed up to iCloud?
, with i OS 11.4 and later, if you have enabled i. Cloud Message feature, i. Phone messages will sync to i. Cloud service, so messages will not be backed up to i. Cloud when you make a full i. Phone backup via i, and cloud.
Why do I need to use messages in iCloud?
And since all of your attachments are stored in i. Cloud, you can save space on your device. You can use Messages in i. Cloud on your i, phone, i, pad, i Pod touch, Apple Watch, and Mac. For your privacy, Messages in i. Cloud is end-to-end encrypted,* which means you can’t view or access Messages online via browser.
Where are my text messages saved on my iPhone?
Open Settings, then tap the Apple ID settings. On the Apple ID page, Tap “i. Cloud,” then toggle on “Messages.” From then on, your messages on your i, phone, i, pad, i Pod Touch are not saved on device memory storage anymore but in i, and cloud storage.
One of the next things we wanted the answer to was: how to get back deleted messages on iPhone?
Or if you lose some messages on i. Phone one day, you can get back messages by restoring i, and cloud backup.